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Tubuxin Sumu's first meat sheep breeding and development conference

Released Time:2013-08-19 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small
 On August 5th, the first Tubuxin Sumu “Sheep Breeding and Development” Conference hosted by Horqin Zuoyi Zhongqi Tubuxin Sumu Government and undertaken by Tongliao Kexiang Feed Company was successfully held! Animal husbandry combined with Sumu has a long history of raising sheep, and the current stock is 70,000 sheep. In recent years, the high price of mutton has stimulated the enthusiasm of farmers and herdsmen to raise sheep, and the proportion of sheep raising income has increased year by year. Strengthen the consciousness of raising sheep scientifically, demand benefits from science and technology, and regard raising sheep as the pillar industry of enriching the people and strengthening agriculture. At this meeting, Sumu called more than 100 people including some big sheep sheep farmers and relevant experts and scholars in the industry to attend the meeting.