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Shandong Dongying Animal Husbandry Planning Build a batch of high-yield dairy farms

Released Time:2017-08-23 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small

Recently, the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Development of Modern Animal Husbandry in Dongying City" (hereinafter referred to as "Planning") was approved by the municipal government and officially announced for implementation. The "Planning" shows that by 2020, the city's livestock industry will strive to reach more than 13.5 billion yuan, and the total output of meat, egg, and milk will reach 1.135 million tons. The high-efficiency ecological animal husbandry industry system with obvious regional characteristics of products has established an important production and processing base of efficient ecological animal products in the whole province and even the whole country. The dairy industry should build a batch of high-yield farms with a yield of more than 10 tons per cow.



From the cultivation of special forage and forage crops, to the intensive breeding of dairy cows, to the processing and sales of dairy products, the elimination of dairy cows and young bulls for easy fattening, the harmless treatment of manure and urine and the processing and sales of organic fertilizer, biogas, biogas slurry, Slag production and sales. Make the dairy industry bigger and stronger, and build an advantageous area for dairy farming centering on the east of Kenli County, northern Dongying District and Hekou District, focusing on building a large number of large-scale modern dairy farms, promoting the balance of grass and livestock and the construction of circular agriculture to create high quality Forage feed-intensive farming-dairy product processing industry chain, support the construction of 10 dairy farming demonstration parks such as Dadi Dairy.



Grasp the demonstration of high-yield dairy farms and build a batch of high-yield farms with a yield of more than 10 tons per cow. Combining "grain to feed", we are committed to reducing the output cost of milk.


(Qilu Evening News)