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【Vitamin dynamics this week】 B6 and calcium pantothenate offer higher

Released Time:2016-06-24 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small

 Vitamin B6 is mainly composed of pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. Recently, the price of raw materials has increased. Guangji Pharmaceutical is expected to make a net profit of 21 million to 27 million yuan in the first quarter of 2016, a year-on-year turnaround. For surplus. During the reporting period, the sales prices of riboflavin and vitamin B6 products, the leading products of Guangji Pharmaceutical, increased significantly compared with the same period of last year. Sales revenue increased and gross profit margin increased significantly. As a result, manufacturers' willingness to increase prices has increased, and some manufacturers have stopped reporting. Market quotations continue to rise this week, and some traders have stopped reporting.





Calcium pantothenate has lasted for a long time since it rose from dozens of blocks to more than 300 last year. It was slightly lowered last week, but this week because manufacturers are in short supply, manufacturers began to raise prices. Recently, Yifan Xinfu manufacturers raised their prices to 400 yuan For Kg, the FOB export price is about 38-40 US dollars / kg, the supply of manufacturers is tight, and the price in the domestic market is high and volatile.