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Recent vitamin market dynamics

Releaseder:China Feed Industry Information Network Released Time:2016-06-20 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small

VA: This week the VA market quoted 310-325 yuan / kg, before Xinhecheng raised the price to 360 yuan / kg, the raw material supply is still tight, the European market is firm, VA1000 offers 50-55 euros / kg, some users report There is a delay in arrival, the prices in the domestic and foreign markets are high, and market quotations this week are steadily volatile.



VE: The market price of VE is 80-86 yuan / kg this week, and some manufacturers have the intention to continue to raise prices. The BASF Shenyang plant plans to stop production and maintenance for 3 weeks at the end of July. The supply of raw material methyl acetoacetate is affected by environmental protection and the export volume is tight. Good support for the domestic market price, the recent market turnover is weak, and the VE market is steadily volatile.


Calcium pantothenate: This week's market quotation is around 260-280 yuan / kg. Recently, Yifan Xinfu manufacturers increased their quotation to 400 yuan / kg. FOB export quotation is around 38-40 US dollars / kg. The supply of manufacturers is tight, and the domestic market price is high. Shock.


Niacinamide: This week's market price is 36-38 yuan / kg. There are many manufacturers of nicotinamide and large production capacity. Recently, the market has been trading weakly and the market prices have been weak.


D3: This week's market quotation is about 100-120 yuan / kg, the market supply is ample, the purchase and sales are light this week, the domestic price is weak, and some manufacturers have recently stopped reporting.


B1: The market price this week is around 305-310 yuan / kg. Market quotations fluctuated within a narrow range. Recently, some manufacturers have stopped reporting their willingness to raise prices, and market attention has increased.


B2: The market price this week is around 260-280 yuan / kg. Prior to this, Haijianuo raised the quotation to 300 yuan / kg, and most downstream companies bought and used it. The market quotation was stable and volatile.


B6: This week's market quotation is about 165-175 yuan / kg, and the price of raw materials has increased. Recently, some manufacturers have stopped reporting their willingness to raise prices. Market quotations continued to rise this week, and some traders have stopped reporting.


B12: This week's market quotation is around 210-220 yuan / kg. Manufacturers' supply has improved, the market wait-and-see attitude has increased, and prices have fluctuated within a narrow range.


2% Biotin: This week's market price is around 85-90 yuan / kg. Previously, the market continued to weaken due to the price reduction of manufacturers. Recently, market news said that Tiger manufacturers stopped reporting and planned to stop production for maintenance for two months. , Follow up on related manufacturers' dynamics as needed.


Folic acid: This week the market reported around 330-380 yuan / kg. Some manufacturers are suffering from environmental protection, but their output is relatively low. The folic acid market is volatile and domestic prices are relatively stable this week.




K3: This week's market quotation is 55-58 yuan / kg. Recently, manufacturers have continued to ship tightly. According to market news, there is a manufacturer's willingness to stop the price increase, market attention has increased, and dealers' quotations have been raised.