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China's Dairy Industry D20 Summit is grandly held!

Released Time:2016-02-29 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small

 On August 18th, the China Dairy D20 Summit was grandly held in Fanghuayuan, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. The summit was initiated and hosted by the China Dairy D20 Enterprise Alliance, with the theme of "Quality and Safety Development, Revitalizing China's Dairy Industry". The purpose is to build an industry communication and exchange platform, display and publicize the development achievements of China's dairy industry, gather all parties' opinions and suggestions on the development of China's dairy industry, and help fuel the revitalization of China's dairy industry. During the summit, China ’s dairy industry development achievements, the 15th anniversary of the implementation of the national student milk drinking plan and the D20 enterprise demonstration activities were held.



Deputy Minister of Agriculture Yu Kangzhen presided over the opening ceremony of the summit. He pointed out: Comrade Wang Yang, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the summit during his busy schedule and made an important speech, which fully reflected the high importance attached by the Party Central Committee and the State Council to the development of the dairy industry. This is a great encouragement to the industry. Spur.


 The leaders and guests attending the summit also included: Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu, International Trade Negotiation Representative Zhong Shan of the Ministry of Commerce, Deputy Minister of Industry and Information Technology Xin Guobin, Deputy Minister of Finance Hu Jinglin, Deputy Director of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce Ma Zhengqi, National Quality Wu Qinghai, deputy director of the General Administration of Inspection, Teng Jiacai, deputy director of the State Food and Drug Administration, Liu Gongli, honorary chairman of the China Dairy Association, Gao Hongbin, chairman of the China Dairy Association, and relevant departments of the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Health and Family Planning Commission, and the research department of the State Council Responsible comrades; members of the China Dairy D20 Enterprise Alliance and representatives of other dairy companies; China Dairy Association, China Dairy Industry Association, provincial agriculture and animal husbandry management departments and dairy associations are mainly responsible comrades, and the relevant departments of the Ministry of Agriculture are mainly responsible comrades; Some dairy experts and representatives of financial institutions. Dozens of media outlets including Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, People's Daily, Guangming Daily, Xinhuanet, Economic Daily, China Economic Net, Beijing Television, and First Financial Daily reported on the summit.



Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu first introduced the overall development of the dairy industry.


 In recent years, China's dairy industry has accelerated its development and has become one of the most dynamic and fastest growing industries in the development of modern agriculture and food industry. This is manifested by a new level of production capacity; new improvements in quality and safety; new changes in production methods; and new progress in the construction of laws and regulations.



In the coming period, to promote China's dairy industry to take the road of high-quality and safe development, we must ensure the safety of milk quality as the core goal, change the dairy development mode as the main line of work, and focus on improving the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the dairy industry. Focus on production development, first-hand quality and safety supervision, strengthen variety improvement, quality improvement, brand creation, promote large-scale, intensive, standardization, industrialization, and build an integrated development model of cultivation, breeding and cultivation. Focus on building five systems: speed up the construction of a modern dairy industry quality supervision system; speed up the construction of a modern dairy industry system; speed up the construction of a modern dairy industry production system; speed up the construction of a modern dairy industry operation system; and speed up the construction of a modern dairy industry support and protection system.


In order to display the corporate image, boost consumer confidence, and revitalize the Chinese dairy industry, the Chinese dairy industry D20 company signed the Alliance Beijing Declaration: First, resolutely implement the basic principles of quality first. Second, adhere to the brand strategy to enhance comprehensive competitiveness. 3. Adhere to integrity and self-discipline and fulfill social responsibilities. 4. Resolutely follow the development path of industrial integration. The signing of the Beijing Declaration by these 20 companies is an important measure for companies to strengthen industry self-discipline and a solemn commitment to revitalizing China's dairy industry. We have seen the company's ambition and mission. 20 dairy companies said they would work together to forge ahead, and work together with the whole industry to enhance the brand of China's dairy industry and build a world-class dairy industry.


After the D20 Enterprise Alliance signed the Beijing Declaration, Wang Yang, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, delivered an important speech


  He emphasized that the mature and developed dairy industry is one of the important standards for agricultural modernization. The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the development of the dairy industry. General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions many times, and has high hopes for the development of the national dairy industry. Premier Li Keqiang also put forward clear requirements for the protection of dairy products, especially the quality and safety of infant milk powder, which pointed out the direction for us to build a modern dairy industry. We must follow the decision of the central government to deploy and improve the quality of milk as the core, accelerate the use of modern material equipment, modern science and technology, modern industrial system, modern development concepts to transform and upgrade the traditional dairy industry, and continuously improve the comprehensive production capacity and International Competitiveness. Special attention should be paid to the following aspects: First, we must strengthen quality priority and reshape consumer confidence. Second, adhere to market orientation, and innovation drives development. 3. It is necessary to promote the integration of agriculture and animal husbandry and extend the industrial chain. Fourth, we must deepen external cooperation and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.



The establishment of the China Dairy D20 Enterprise Alliance is a positive exploration. It is hoped that the alliance will serve as the link between the enterprise and the government, the promoter of enterprise project cooperation, the leader in regulating industry development, and the maintenance with the purpose of communication, service, self-discipline, and development. Organizers of legal rights and interests of enterprises hope that the alliance will strengthen its own construction, improve its service level, and continuously enhance its cohesion.


Deputy Minister of Agriculture Yu Kangzhen emphasized in the summary of the opening ceremony: Minister Han Changfu introduced the overall development of the dairy industry, made a "four new" judgment, and proposed to speed up the construction of a modern dairy industry quality supervision system and other "five major" systems; China Dairy D20 companies signed the Beijing Declaration of the Alliance; in particular, Vice Premier Wang Yang fully affirmed the remarkable achievements and important roles played by China's dairy industry in his speech, and clarified the four aspects of quality and safety supervision in the future The key tasks have pointed out the direction for China's construction of a modern dairy industry and put forward specific requirements. We must study carefully, understand deeply, and implement them well.


After the opening ceremony, the presidents of 6 companies including Yili, Mengniu, Hyundai Dairy, Huishan Dairy, Sanyuan and Junlebao made speeches at the summit and made their missions to promote the better development of China's dairy industry; create a win-win ecosystem Innovation and innovation lead the sustainable development of the dairy industry; meet the new normal of the dairy industry with a new format of "breeding, breeding and combining"; adhere to the development of industrial integration and promote the construction of modern dairy industry; adhere to the quality and lead the "fresh" layout and promote The sustainable and healthy development of China's dairy industry; the keynote speech that raised the new stage of the dairy industry with quality fully demonstrated the spirit of the enterprise and reflected the confidence and determination of the enterprise to revitalize China's dairy industry.