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The 6th China Dairy Conference and China Dairy Exhibition kicked off in Fuzhou

Released Time:2015-06-01 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small

 Year after year, it is time for the Chinese dairy industry to look forward to. On May 31st, the 6th China Dairy Conference and China Dairy Exhibition was ushered in the beautiful Rongcheng. The theme of this conference is "Accelerating Transformation and Upgrading, Promoting Healthy Development". The purpose is to implement the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Party, this year's Central Document No. 1 and the National Agricultural Work Conference and the National Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Work Conference on the development of dairy industry. Requirements, analyze the current new situation facing China's dairy industry development, and clarify the direction and goals of China's dairy industry development in the future.



Deputy Minister of Agriculture Yu Kangzhen, Vice Governor of Fujian Provincial People's Government Chen Rongkai, Honorary President of China Dairy Association Liu Gongli, President Gao Hongbin, leaders of relevant departments and directly under the Ministry of Agriculture, Fuzhou Municipal People's Government, Fujian Provincial Department of Agriculture And leaders of Fujian Provincial Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau attended the meeting. The conference was awarded by Fujian Changfu Dairy Co., Ltd., Beijing Xiugang Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd., Sifang Liou Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd., Israel Afijin, Deutsche Bauer Breeding Center, and Chuanghemei Nutrition Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Strong support from the company and Friesland Dairy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Nearly 2,000 people from various administrative departments of dairy industry, industry associations, dairy farms (households), dairy processing enterprises, dairy machinery and equipment enterprises, teaching and research units from all over the country participated. CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, Guangming Daily, Economic Daily, Xinhuanet, Farmer's Daily and many other media focused on the Dairy Conference for publicity reports.


Deputy Minister of Agriculture Yu Kangzhen attended and delivered a speech. He pointed out that the current development of China's dairy industry is at a critical stage of transformation and upgrading. Many profound changes have occurred and the dairy industry has made significant progress. The dairy industry has become an iconic industry in China's modern agriculture and has great potential for development. At present and for a period to come, the development of the dairy industry is facing not only the challenges of domestic and foreign market competition, but also the major task of adjusting the structure and mode of transformation and continuously improving the quality and competitiveness of the industry. We must adapt to the new situation and new requirements, follow the "stabilizing production, increasing income, adjusting structure, improving quality, increasing efficiency, and strictly supervising and ensuring safety" to grasp the development of dairy production and quality supervision on the one hand, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the dairy industry. Building a modern dairy industry.


Chairman Gao Hongbin gave a keynote report on "Accelerating Transformation and Upgrading and Promoting Healthy Development". He emphasized: Overall, China's dairy industry is developing well. Although faced with one problem or another, this is inevitably encountered during development, transformation, and adjustment. To successfully meet these challenges, only by changing the development mode of the dairy industry and accelerating the transformation and upgrading can the industry continue to develop healthily.


The General Assembly believes that the current overall situation of China's dairy industry is good. From the perspective of breeding, "one drop, two increase and three increase", the quality and safety of fresh milk is in good condition. Dairy cows have a stock of 14.6 million heads, an increase of 1.3% year-on-year, reaching the highest level in history; milk output is 37.25 million tons, an increase of 5.5% year-on-year, which is close to the highest level in history in 2012 (37.44 million tons); accounting for more than 80% of dairy cows in China The average yield of Stan cattle and its improved cattle reached 6 tons, an increase of 500 kg, and cows above 9 tons reached 1.3 million heads; the proportion of large-scale dairy cows with more than 100 heads reached 45%, an increase of 3.9 percentage points; large-scale cattle farms 100% mechanized milking of Hehe District, the overall level exceeds 90%. In 2014, the state invested in the reconstruction and expansion of 1,000 dairy farms, supported breeding enterprises to import 190,000 improved breeds of dairy cows, and further expanded the base of high-quality milk sources. A total of 1.5 million mu of high-yield and high-quality alfalfa production bases have been built nationwide, and 1 million tons of commercial alfalfa production capacity has been formed. The vision of "good grass raises good cows, good cows produce good milk" is being realized. Judging from the sampling results announced by the Ministry of Agriculture, 26,000 batches of raw milk samples were sampled throughout the year, and melamine and other tests were all qualified, and no major quality and safety incidents occurred. While "increasing", "increasing" and "good", there are also regrets that the price of milk has fallen. In February 2014, the price of raw milk in 10 major provinces and regions reached a record high of 4.27 yuan / kg, and then continued to fall. It fell to 3.79 yuan at the end of the year, resulting in a decline in efficiency. From the perspective of processing, the output of dairy products decreased slightly while the profits increased, and the quality of dairy products was generally good. In 2014, the output of dairy products was 26.52 million tons, a decrease of 1.2% year-on-year, of which the production of liquid milk was 24 million tons, a decrease of 0.9% year-on-year. This is the first decline in dairy output since the National Bureau of Statistics began to publish dairy industry data in 1999. Although the output fell slightly, profits increased. 631 dairy companies above designated size, total sales revenue of 329.8 billion yuan, an increase of 16.5%; profit of 22.5 billion yuan, an increase of 25%. Judging from the sampling results announced by the Food and Drug Administration, 1312 batches of dairy products were sampled throughout the year, covering 488 companies in 29 provinces, 12 batches of unqualified samples, and the failure rate was 0.9%; infant formula milk samples were sampled throughout the year There are 1365 batches of samples, covering all the products of 100 domestic manufacturers. The number of unqualified samples is 44 batches, and the failure rate is 3.2%. Among them, 23 batches of samples that do not meet the national standards for food safety have a failure rate of 1.7%. From the perspective of consumption, the market consumer group has gradually expanded, and e-commerce sales channels have sprung up. Affected by the overall downward trend of the economic situation in 2014, the dairy product market also showed sluggish weakness, which can be concluded from the decline in the production volume of dairy processing companies. From the reports of some well-known listed companies, the selling of well-known brand products reflects consumers' willingness to buy and also trusts the quality of the brand. Although room temperature milk currently dominates the dairy consumer market, the sales of pasteurized milk and yoghurt have steadily increased in 2014, and the sales of cheese have also increased, all of which reflect consumer recognition of dairy products and product diversification demand. The sudden rise of Internet sales in the past two years has become a new marketing channel for dairy processing companies. Junlebao Company used the e-commerce channel to launch 130 yuan per can (900 grams) of infant milk powder. In the "Tmall Double Eleven" activity, the sales volume ranked first on that day. New Hope Dairy also used the e-commerce channel to launch an original imported joint venture infant milk powder of 99 yuan per can (900 grams). Opening the online store page, dairy sales are very eye-catching. The "Internet +" new marketing channel meets the needs of a new generation of online consumers. In addition, the supply of student drinking milk reached 695,000 tons in 2014, accounting for about 4.6% of the room temperature milk market. Although the proportion is small, it is a relatively stable market that currently covers 22.4 million students.


Of course, we must also be soberly aware that since the beginning of this year, there have been “difficult milk sales” and pouring milk to kill cattle in some parts of the country. The government acted swiftly and adopted a series of measures such as issuing emergency notices, promoting the acquisition of dairy companies, conducting inspections of reconstituted milk, and revising and improving the acquisition contract to do everything possible to help solve the “difficulty in selling milk”. Compared with the beginning of the year, the current "difficulty in selling milk" has improved significantly, but the pressure is still greater. Everyone needs to continue to work harder, work harder, give full play to the strength of the government, associations, enterprises and other parties to actively coordinate dairy companies and dairy cows. Farms (households) established a contractual relationship for the purchase of raw milk, ensured the purchase in accordance with the contract, and strived not to refuse to accept or limit the milk or to kill the cows.


In addition to the "difficult to sell milk" emergency, the development of the industry is also facing one or other problems. Some of these problems are old problems and some are new problems. The outstanding performance is as follows: First, the layout of the dairy industry development area is unreasonable. More than 80% of China's milk production is in the North, and more than 50% of its consumption is in the South, which results in a high market share of "Northern Milk Transport" and normal temperature milk. Second, the competitiveness of the dairy industry is weak. China's dairy industry started late, and its development is still immature. Its industrial competitiveness is weak, mainly due to the single breed of dairy animals and the low share of excellent varieties; the supply of high-quality forage materials is tight, the gap is large; the environmental protection requirements are high, and the manure The governance pressure is greater; the variety of dairy products is single, and the ability to regulate supply and demand is weak. The third is the pressure of uncoordinated development of production, sales and marketing. Affected by many factors, the interest linkage mechanism of dairy farmers and dairy processing enterprises in China is not close, and no interest community has been formed. It is only a simple trading relationship, and the short-term behavior is serious. Dairy farming is in a weak position, with high production risks and low profits, which is not conducive to the sustainable and healthy development of the industry.


The meeting believed that drawing on foreign experience and basing on domestic reality, we must accelerate the transformation and upgrading, transform the traditional dairy industry into a modern dairy industry, and start from the entire industrial chain of cultivation, breeding, processing, sales, consumption, etc. The focus is on "two pushes, two adjustments" "," Two pushes ", that is to promote moderate-scale breeding. Large-scale farming should pay attention to moderation, and the bigger the better, the resources, climate and other factors should be considered to determine the appropriate scale. Promote industrial integration. Integration is the sharing of benefits and risks shared by "production, addition, and sales." Industrial integration should be promoted in multiple ways according to local conditions. "Two adjustments" means adjusting the structure of grass and livestock. China has a vast area and diverse climates. Only one Holstein cattle breed is incapable, and dairy cattle breeds should be diversified. Adjust dairy structure. About 80% of China's liquid milk production is ultra high temperature sterilized milk; dry milk products are mainly based on milk powder, with less cheese, cream, condensed milk, etc., and the variety structure is relatively simple. The variety structure is single, and the processing and consumption are also relatively single, which can not satisfy the diversity of consumption, but also reduce the ability to regulate market supply. It is necessary to coordinate the development of normal temperature milk, pasteurized milk, cheese, cream, condensed milk, etc., give full play to the advantages of weather, geographical position, and harmony, and promote the production of pasteurized milk. The three standards of "standard fresh, standard pure, standard complex" for liquid milk should be strictly promoted to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the industry.


While the keynote report pointed out the general direction of the development of the dairy industry, in order to enhance technical exchanges and discussions, the conference will also set up a "cross-strait pasteurized milk forum", "national student drinking milk program promotion work meeting", "national cows" Industrial Technology System and China-Singapore Dairy Forum "," Sino-German Dairy Breeding Forum "," Opportunities and Challenges of Sino-Dutch Dairy Cooperation "," High Quality Milk Production Technology Seminar and Feed Feeding and Environment Professional Committee Meeting ", etc In 82 sub-forums, 82 expert reports, including 23 foreign guest reports, brought a technical feast for the majority of colleagues in the dairy industry.


The China Dairy Exhibition, which is held at the same time as the conference, is hosted by the China Dairy Industry Association. It is an annual event that provides a platform for the industry to display, communicate, cooperate, and trade. As a major comprehensive exhibition of the international animal husbandry industry, China Dairy Exhibition is an annual event for hundreds of millions of Chinese agricultural and animal husbandry practitioners. There were a total of 300 exhibitors in this exhibition, with a booth area of ​​30,000 square meters, including 31 foreign companies, and more than 30 trade and business agencies and agencies in China. The exhibition covers all aspects of the dairy industry chain including dairy farming, environmental protection, forage feed, animal health products, dairy processing, packaging materials, inspection and testing, and dairy machinery. During the exhibition, many well-known dairy companies held dairy product marketing activities, including high-quality dairy product sales, free tasting, product science promotion, etc., which played a good role in promoting the image and popularity of dairy products and promoting milk consumption. It is worth mentioning that this time, 21 domestic dairy companies participated in the exhibition, covering well-known national and regional brands. The most recent exhibition was a concentrated display of domestic dairy products.