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2017 Central Document No. 1 (full text)

Releaseder:Xinhua News Agency Released Time:2020-02-09 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the State Council ’s In-depth Promotion of Structural Reform on the Agricultural Supply Side


Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of New Momentum for Agricultural and Rural Development

(December 31, 2016)




After years of unremitting efforts, China's agricultural and rural development has continuously reached a new level and has entered a new historical stage. The main contradiction in agriculture has changed from insufficient total to structural contradiction, which is manifested by the coexistence of periodic oversupply and insufficient supply. The main aspect of the contradiction is on the supply side. In recent years, China has actively explored ways of agricultural transformation, structural adjustment, and reforms, laying a certain foundation for further advancing agricultural transformation and upgrading. However, the supply and demand structure of agricultural products is unbalanced, factors are unreasonable, resource and environmental pressures are large, and farmers ’incomes continue Problems such as weak growth remain prominent, and contradictions such as increasing production and improving quality, rising costs and low prices, high inventory and poor sales, small production and large markets, and domestic and international price inversions need to be resolved. It is necessary to comply with the new situation and new requirements, adhere to the problem orientation, adjust the focus of work, deepen the structural reforms on the agricultural supply side, accelerate the cultivation of new momentum for agricultural and rural development, and create a new situation in agricultural modernization. A

To promote structural reforms on the agricultural supply side, it is necessary to focus on changes in market demand on the basis of ensuring national food security, with the main objectives of increasing farmers' income and ensuring effective supply, with the main attack direction of improving agricultural supply quality, and with institutional reforms and Mechanism innovation is the fundamental way to optimize the agricultural industrial system, production system and management system, increase the land output rate, resource utilization rate, labor productivity, and promote the development of agriculture and rural areas. Sustainable and more focused on satisfying qualitative demand changes. A

Promoting agricultural supply-side structural reform is a long-term process. Dealing with the relationship between the government and the market and coordinating the interests of all parties face many major challenges. Facing difficulties and challenges, we must unswervingly advance the reform, be brave to bear the pains of reform, try our best to reduce the cost of reform, actively prevent reform risks, and ensure that the food production capacity is not reduced, farmers ’income growth is not reversed, and rural stability is not a problem. A

In the agricultural and rural work in 2017, we must fully implement the spirit of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party and the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Plenary Sessions of the Eighteenth Party Congress, guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents," and the scientific development concept. In-depth implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping ’s series of important speeches and the new concept of governance, new ideas and new strategies, adhere to the new development concept, coordinate the promotion of agricultural modernization and new urbanization, to promote agricultural supply-side structural reform as the main line, focus on agricultural efficiency, Increase farmers' incomes, increase greening in rural areas, strengthen the guidance of scientific and technological innovation, accelerate the pace of structural adjustment, increase the intensity of rural reforms, improve the overall agricultural efficiency and competitiveness, promote new progress in the construction of a new socialist countryside, and strive to make more progress in the construction of a comprehensive well-off society in rural areas Stride. A

1. Optimize the industrial structure of products and focus on promoting the quality and efficiency of agriculture

1. Overall adjustment of the structure of grain, grain and feed planting. According to the requirements of stabilizing grain, optimizing economy and expanding feed, we will accelerate the construction of a ternary planting structure for the coordinated development of grain, economy and feed. Food crops should stabilize the production of rice and wheat, ensure the absolute safety of rations, focus on the development of high-quality rice and strong gluten and weak gluten wheat, continue to reduce grain and corn in non-dominant areas, and increase high-quality edible soybeans, potatoes, and miscellaneous grains. Economic crops should optimize the variety quality and regional layout, consolidate the production of cotton, oilseeds and sugar in the main production areas, and promote the value-added and efficiency of horticultural crops. Forage crops should expand the planting area, develop high-quality forage grass such as silage corn, alfalfa, and vigorously cultivate a modern forage industry system. Accelerate the structural adjustment of the farming-pastoral interlaced zone in the north, and form a planting structure with belt-raising, compounding of pastoral forestry and agriculture, and combination of grass, fruit and vegetables. Continue to carry out the experiment of subsidizing grain into feed and grain into beans. A

2. Develop large-scale and efficient aquaculture. Stabilize hog production, optimize the layout of hog breeding areas in the southern water network area, and guide production capacity to shift to areas with large environmental capacity and major corn production areas. Accelerate the improvement of varieties, and vigorously develop cattle and sheep and other herbivorous animal husbandry. Revitalize the dairy industry in an all-round way, focus on supporting family farms of moderate scale, guide the expansion of raw milk consumption, strictly implement the labeling system for recovered milk, and cultivate domestic high-quality brands. Reasonably determine the scale of aquaculture in inland waters such as lakes and reservoirs, and promote the reduction and efficiency of aquaculture. Promote comprehensive cultivation of rice fields and cultivation of low-lying saline land. Improve the time limit and time limit for catching and prohibiting catching in rivers, lakes and seas, and take the lead in achieving a comprehensive catching prohibition in the aquatic biological protection zone in the Yangtze River Basin. Scientifically and orderly develop tidal flat resources. Support intensive seawater healthy farming, develop modern marine pastures, strengthen regional cooperative protection, and reasonably control offshore fishing. Actively develop ocean-going fisheries. Establish a total management system for marine fishery resources, standardize various types of fishery sea-use activities, and support fishermen to reduce vessel conversions. A

3. To enlarge and strengthen the advantageous characteristic industries. Implement the action plan for improving the quality and efficiency of agriculture with superior characteristics, promote the upgrading of industries such as miscellaneous grains and beans, vegetables and fruits, tea silkworms, flower seedlings, edible fungi, Chinese medicinal materials and special breeding, and make local specialties and small varieties into a drive A big industry for farmers to increase their income. Vigorously develop green industries such as woody grain and oil and other characteristic economic forests, timber forests for precious tree species, flowers and bamboo and rattan, and forest food. Implement the construction project of forest ecological label products. Carry out demonstration demonstration of standardized production of characteristic agricultural products, and build a batch of geographical indication agricultural products and origin protection bases. Promote the construction of regional agricultural product public brands, support local enterprises to build regional specialty brands based on advantageous enterprises and industry associations, and introduce modern elements to transform and enhance traditional famous brands. A

4. Further optimize the layout of agricultural regions. Relying on the planning of the main functional areas and the layout plan of the superior agricultural products, scientifically and rationally delineate the functional areas for the production of rice, wheat, corn and grain, and the production and protection areas for important agricultural products such as soybean, cotton, rapeseed, sugar cane, natural rubber, etc. All plots in the functional area and the protected area are filed and archived, and the above picture is put into the warehouse, so as to realize accurate and informationized management. Pay close attention to study and formulate standards for the construction of functional areas and protected areas, improve the incentive mechanism and support policies, and implement the responsibility of construction management and protection at all levels. Formulate plans for the construction of distinctive agricultural product advantages zones, establish evaluation standards and technical support systems, and encourage localities to strive for horticultural products, livestock products, aquatic products, and Linte products and other characteristic agricultural product advantage zones. A

5. Improve the quality of agricultural products and food safety in an all-round way. Adhere to quality and promote agriculture, implement the strategy of agricultural standardization, highlight high quality, safety, and green orientation, and improve the standard system of agricultural product quality and food safety. Support new-type agricultural business entities to apply for the "three products and one standard" certification, promote the convenience of agricultural product trademark registration, and strengthen brand protection. Guide enterprises to strive for international certification of organic agricultural products, and accelerate the improvement of the authority and influence of domestic certification of green and organic agricultural products. Effectively strengthen the environmental protection and source control of the production area, promote good agricultural production practices, promote the production record account system, and strictly implement the relevant regulations on the production, sales and use of agricultural inputs. In-depth development of pesticide and veterinary drug residues exceeding the standard, especially the abuse of antibiotics in the breeding industry, severely cracked down on the prohibition of excessive use of agricultural and veterinary drugs, illegal additions and excessive use of food additives. Improve the quality control system of agricultural products and food safety, strengthen the management of risk classification and local responsibility, and increase the intensity of random inspection and monitoring. Establish a comprehensive traceability supervision and interconnection service platform that can be traced and interconnected. Encourage production and operation entities to insure against food safety liability insurance. Pay close attention to the revision of the Agricultural Products Quality Safety Law. A

6. Actively develop moderate-scale operations. We will vigorously cultivate new types of agricultural business entities and service entities, and speed up the development of land flow transformation, service-driven and other forms of scale operations through the transfer of management rights, shareholding cooperation, farming and seed substitution, and land trust. Actively guide farmers to realize continuous farming by households on a voluntary basis, through exchange and land consolidation within village groups. Improve the methods for identifying family farms and support family farms of appropriate size. Strengthen the standardized construction of farmer cooperatives, and actively develop the "trinity" comprehensive cooperation in production, supply and marketing, and credit. Summarize the experience of piloting the full-scale social service of agricultural production, and support operating service organizations such as farm machinery operations, farmland irrigation and drainage, unified prevention and control, drying and storage. Support systems such as supply and marketing, postal services, and agricultural machinery to play a role as an integrated platform for agricultural services, and promote the transformation of traditional agricultural material distribution outlets to a modern integrated agricultural material service provider. Encourage local governments to explore land transfer performance guarantee insurance. Study and establish an evaluation index system for moderate scale management of agriculture to guide the healthy development of scale management.


   7. Build a modern agricultural industrial park. Based on large-scale breeding and breeding bases and relying on leading agricultural industrialization enterprises, gather modern production factors, build a "production + processing + technology" modern agricultural industrial park, and play the functions of technology integration, industrial integration, entrepreneurial platform, core radiation and other functions effect. Scientifically formulate industrial park plans and coordinate the layout of production, processing, logistics, research and development, demonstration, service and other functional sectors. Local governments are encouraged to coordinate the use of high-standard farmland construction, comprehensive agricultural development, modern agricultural production development and other related project funds to centrally build industrial park infrastructure and supporting service systems. Attract leading enterprises and scientific research institutions to build and operate industrial parks, develop facility agriculture, precision agriculture, intensive processing, and modern marketing, promote the specialization, standardization, and intensive production of new agricultural business entities and farmers, and promote the upgrade of all aspects of agriculture and the value-added of the entire chain. Farmers and people returning to rural areas are encouraged to participate in the construction and share the benefits through a variety of methods such as order agriculture, shareholding cooperation, entrepreneurship and employment. A


8. Create a good international trade environment for agricultural products. Make overall use of the international market, optimize the supply structure of domestic agricultural products, and improve the market environment for agricultural products imports with fair competition. Improve the laws and regulations on agricultural products trade countervailing, anti-dumping and safeguard measures, and conduct trade remedy investigations on imported agricultural products according to law. Encourage the expansion of exports of advantageous agricultural products and increase overseas promotion efforts. Strengthen foreign cooperation in agriculture and promote agriculture to go global. Focusing on the “Belt and Road” and surrounding countries and regions, we support agricultural enterprises to carry out transnational operations, establish overseas production bases and processing, warehousing and logistics facilities, and cultivate large internationally competitive large enterprise groups. Actively participate in the formulation and revision of international trade rules and international standards, and promote the mutual recognition of agricultural product certification results. Intensify comprehensive anti-smuggling management of agricultural products and implement special crackdown actions.




2. Promote green production methods to enhance the sustainable development of agriculture

9. Promote cleaner agricultural production. Promote the zero-growth action of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, carry out pilot trials of replacing organic fertilizers with organic fertilizers, and promote cost-saving and efficiency gains in agriculture. Establish and improve production supervision and product traceability systems in the fertilizer and pesticide industry, and enforce strict industry access management. Vigorously promote the efficient and ecological cycle of the breeding model, accelerate the centralized treatment of livestock and poultry manure, and promote the healthy development of large-scale large-scale biogas. Promote the pilot use of agricultural waste resources by county, and explore the establishment of a sustainable operation and management mechanism. Encourage all localities to increase the support for the comprehensive utilization of crop straws and improve the subsidy mechanism for the diversified utilization of straws. Continue to carry out pilot demonstrations of clean film production. Promote the creation of a national agricultural sustainable development demonstration zone. A

10. Large-scale implementation of agricultural water-saving projects. Take agricultural water saving as a directional and strategic event, and accelerate the improvement of the national policy system for supporting agricultural water saving. Increase the water-saving transformation and construction of the large-scale irrigation and drainage backbone project, improve the field water-saving facilities at the same time, and build a modern irrigation area. Vigorously implement regional large-scale high-efficiency water-saving irrigation actions, and build a batch of high-efficiency water-saving irrigation projects. Steadily promote the construction of high-efficiency water-saving irrigation forage land in pastoral areas, and strictly restrict the extraction of groundwater to irrigate artificial grasslands in ecologically fragile areas. Establish and improve the standard system of agricultural water-saving technology products. Accelerate the development of water saving irrigation technologies and products with a full range of types, supporting series, and reliable performance, vigorously popularize water saving irrigation technologies such as sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation, and increase the promotion of agronomic water saving integration such as water and fertilizer integration. Comprehensively promote the comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices, implement the main responsibility of local governments, and speed up the establishment of a reasonable water price formation mechanism and a water-saving incentive mechanism. Comprehensively implement water quota management and carry out county-level water-saving society construction compliance assessment. Implement the third national water resources survey and evaluation. A

11. Centralized management of outstanding issues in the agricultural environment. Implement the recuperation plan for cultivated land, grassland, rivers and lakes. Carry out a detailed investigation of the status of soil pollution, implement an action plan for soil pollution prevention and control in depth, and continue to carry out pilot projects for remediation of heavy metal-contaminated farmland and planting structure adjustment. Expand the pilot scope of comprehensive treatment of agricultural non-point source pollution. Increase support for black land protection in Northeast China. Promote the trial of the cropland rotation and fallow system, and set reasonable subsidy standards. Support local key development of facility agriculture soil improvement and increase soil organic matter. Expand the comprehensive treatment scope of groundwater over-exploitation area in North China. Speed ​​up the implementation of a new round of returning farmland to forest and grass project. After the expiry of the last subsidy policy for returning farmland to forest, the eligible forests for returning farmland to forest will be included in the compensation scope for central and local forest ecological benefits. Continue to implement the project of returning grassland to grassland. Promote the management of cultivated grasslands in the farming-pastoral ecotones in the north. Implement wetland protection and restoration projects. A

12. Strengthen the construction of major ecological projects. Promote the overall protection, system restoration, and comprehensive management of mountains, rivers, forests, and lakes, and accelerate the construction of a national ecological security barrier. Comprehensively promote large-scale national greening operations. Start the major ecological restoration project in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and implement the requirements of a total protection and no development. Continue to implement key forestry ecological projects, and promote the construction of forest quality improvement projects. We will improve the comprehensive stop subsidy policy for commercial logging of natural forests. Speed ​​up the construction of national parks. Strengthen the construction of national reserve forest bases. Promote the closure and restoration of desertified land. Strengthen the protection of wild animals and plants and rare germplasm resources, and promote the rescue protection of endangered wild animals and plants and the construction of nature reserves. Strengthen the comprehensive management of soil erosion and water ecological restoration in key areas, and continue to carry out the construction of rivers, lakes and reservoirs water system connectivity projects. A






3. Expanding new industries and formats and expanding the value chain of the agricultural industry chain


13. Vigorously develop the rural leisure tourism industry. Give full play to the unique advantages of enriching all kinds of material and non-material resources in rural areas, and use the "tourism +", "ecological +" and other models to promote the deep integration of agriculture, forestry and tourism, education, culture, health and other industries. Enrich rural tourism formats and products, create various types of themed rural tourism destinations and boutique routes, and develop rural-style homestays and health care and elderly care bases. Encourage rural collective economic organizations to establish rural tourism cooperatives, or jointly establish rural tourism enterprises with social capital. Raise construction funds through multiple channels, vigorously improve the conditions of public service facilities for leisure agriculture, rural tourism, and forest rehabilitation, and give priority to full broadband coverage in key villages. Improve the standards of the leisure agriculture and rural tourism industries, and establish and improve regulations on food safety, fire safety, and environmental protection. Support the protection of traditional villages, maintain the overall style of villages with ethnic minority characteristics, and implement continuous protection and appropriate development in areas where conditions permit. A

14. Promote the development of rural e-commerce. Promote the comprehensive docking and integration of new agricultural business entities, processing and distribution enterprises and e-commerce enterprises, and promote the interactive development of online and offline. Accelerate the establishment and improvement of a standard system adapted to the development of e-commerce for agricultural products. Support the construction of agricultural e-commerce platforms and rural e-commerce service sites. Promote the interconnection of commerce, supply and marketing, postal services, and e-commerce, strengthen the construction of logistics systems from villages to towns, and implement express delivery to the countryside. Comprehensively implement comprehensive demonstration of e-commerce into rural areas. Encourage local norms to develop e-commerce industrial parks, gathering functional services such as brand promotion, logistics distribution, personnel training, technical support, and quality and safety. Fully implement the information entry into the village project, and carry out demonstrations throughout the province. Improve the national backbone network of agricultural products circulation, accelerate the construction of a non-profit agricultural product market system, strengthen the construction of cold chain logistics infrastructure networks such as pre-cooling of agricultural products, and improve the direct supply system of fresh agricultural products. Promote "Internet +" modern agricultural action. A

15. Accelerate the development of modern food industry. Guide processing enterprises to concentrate on main production areas, advantageous production areas, and industrial parks, and build food processing industry clusters in producing areas of advantageous agricultural products. Increase the support for technical transformation of the food processing industry and develop production and processing equipment with independent intellectual property rights. Encourage food companies to set up R & D institutions to develop new products that are marketable and marketable around the "original name". Implement the major food processing industry promotion action, actively promote the industrialization and large-scale production of traditional staple food, and vigorously develop convenient food, snack food, quick-frozen food, and potato staple food products. Strengthen the development and application of new food raw materials and medicine-food homologous foods. Vigorously promote the "production base + central kitchen + catering stores", "production base + processing enterprises + supermarket sales" and other production and marketing models. Strengthen the research on modern biological and nutrition fortification technologies, and develop and develop foods with health care functions. Improve the registration and filing system of health food, special medical use food, and infant formula milk powder. Improve the subsidy policy for primary processing of agricultural products. A

16. Cultivate villages and towns that are livable and industry-friendly. Focusing on industries with foundation, characteristics, and potential, we will build a number of characteristic villages and towns in the “Trinity” of agricultural and cultural tourism, with the simultaneous improvement of production and living ecology, and the deep integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries. Support localities to strengthen the construction of industry support, infrastructure, public services, and environmental features of characteristic villages and towns. Create an upgraded version of "one village, one product" and develop professional villages with different characteristics. Support conditional rural construction with farmer cooperatives as the main carrier, let farmers fully participate in and benefit from, and integrate rural agriculture, creative agriculture, and farming experience into a rural complex, through comprehensive agricultural development, rural comprehensive reform transfer payment and other channels to carry out pilots demonstration. In-depth implementation of pilot demonstration projects for rural industrial integration development, support the construction of a number of rural industrial integration development demonstration parks.



 4. Strengthen the drive of scientific and technological innovation to lead the accelerated development of modern agriculture


17. 17. Strengthen agricultural R & D. Adapt to the new requirements of agricultural restructuring and structural adjustment, and adjust the direction and focus of agricultural science and technology innovation. Integrate scientific and technological innovation resources, improve the national agricultural science and technology innovation system and modern agricultural industry technology system, establish a number of modern agricultural industry technology innovation centers and agricultural technology innovation alliances, and promote the construction of an open resource sharing and service platform base. Strengthen basic frontier research in agricultural science and technology, and enhance original innovation capabilities. Build a national agricultural high-tech industrial development zone. Increase the implementation of major projects of independent innovation in the seed industry and joint research on key crop varieties, and accelerate the selection and breeding of new varieties suitable for mechanized production, high-quality, high-yield and multi-resistance. Strengthen scientific and technological research and development of low- and medium-yield field improvement, cash crops, herbivore and animal husbandry, marine pastures, smart agriculture, deep processing of agricultural and forestry products, storage and logistics Accelerate the research and development of agricultural machinery and equipment suitable for hilly and mountainous areas, facility agriculture, livestock and poultry aquaculture, and enhance the independent research and development capabilities of core components of agricultural machinery. Support local governments to carry out technological research and development in industries with unique advantages. A

18. Strengthen the promotion of agricultural science and technology. We will innovate public welfare agricultural technology extension service methods, introduce project management mechanisms, promote government purchase services, and support various social forces to participate in agricultural technology promotion. Encourage local governments to establish agricultural technology, education, production, teaching and research integration agricultural technology promotion alliances, and support agricultural technology extension personnel to carry out technical cooperation with family farms, farmer cooperatives and leading enterprises. Promote the establishment of green, high-yield and high-efficiency, focus on promoting high-quality special varieties and cost-saving, recycling and recycling technology models. Implement smart agricultural projects, promote agricultural Internet of Things test demonstration and intelligentization of agricultural equipment. Develop smart meteorology and improve the level of meteorological disaster monitoring, forecasting and early warning. Deeply promote the science and technology commissioner system and create a batch of "Star Creation World". Strengthen the construction of rural science public service. A

19. Improve agricultural science and technology innovation incentive mechanism. Accelerate the implementation of the regulations on the conversion of scientific and technological achievements and the remuneration of scientific and technological personnel for part-time jobs. Support agricultural science and technology innovation through "post-subsidies" and other means. Implement the plan for cultivating outstanding talents in agricultural research and further promote the pilot reform of scientific research achievements and rights. Develop new market-oriented agricultural technology research and development, achievement transformation and industrial incubation institutions. Improve the basic research support methods that conform to the laws of agricultural science and technology innovation, and establish a differentiated agricultural science and technology evaluation system. Strengthen the protection and application of agricultural intellectual property rights. A

20. Improve the construction level of agricultural science and technology parks. Scientifically formulate park plans, highlight scientific and technological innovation, R & D and application, experimental demonstration, scientific and technological services and training and other functions, build agricultural scientific and technological achievements transformation centers, scientific and technological personnel entrepreneurship platforms, high-tech industry incubation bases, and build a modern agricultural innovation highland. Support industry-university-research cooperation in the park to establish scientific research and service platforms such as various R & D institutions, testing and inspection centers, academician expert workstations, and technology trading institutions. Support park enterprises and scientific research institutions to carry out R & D and promotion of key common technologies of characteristic superior industries in light of regional reality. Improve national agricultural science and technology park management methods and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. A

21. Develop rural human resources. The focus is on the cultivation of new-type professional farmers and the improvement of migrant workers' professional skills, the integration of training resources in all channels, and the establishment of a government-led, departmental coordination, overall arrangement, and industry-led training mechanism. Explore methods such as government purchases of services, give play to the main role of corporate training, and improve the pertinence and effectiveness of skill training for migrant workers. Optimize the structure of agricultural practitioners, further promote the training plan for modern young farmers and forest farmers, and the rotation training plan for new agricultural management leaders, explore the cultivation of agricultural professional managers, and cultivate new farmers who meet the needs of modern agricultural development. Encourage colleges and vocational colleges to open rural planning and construction, rural residential design and other related majors and courses, train a group of professionals, and support a group of rural craftsmen. A








Fifth, fill the shortcomings of agriculture and rural areas, and lay a solid foundation for shared development in rural areas

22. Continue to strengthen the basic construction of farmland. Deeply implement the strategy of storing grain on land and storing grain on technology, strictly observe the red line of cultivated land, and protect and optimize grain production capacity. Fully implement special permanent farmland special protection policy measures, implement farmland quality protection and improvement actions, and continue to promote the transformation of low- and medium-yield fields. Speed ​​up the construction of high-standard farmland and improve the quality of construction. In areas where conditions permit, supporting facilities such as drying yards, drying facilities, machine sheds, and organic fertilizer storage can be included in the construction of high-standard farmland. Guide financial institutions to provide credit support for high-standard farmland construction. Cultivated land increased through land remediation is allowed to be transferred within the provincial territory as an indicator of replenishment and compensation of cultivated land, and the income of index adjustment can be obtained according to regulations or contractual agreements. Promote the construction of major water conservancy projects, pay close attention to the repair of water-damaged agricultural facilities and water conservancy projects, and strengthen the weak links of water conservancy and the construction of "five small water conservancy projects". Promote the conversion of oil from rural wells in the plains to local conditions.




23. In-depth development of rural human settlement environment management and beautiful and livable rural construction. Promote special actions for rural domestic waste management, promote waste classification and resource utilization, choose appropriate models to carry out rural domestic sewage treatment, and increase efforts to support centralized and integrated rural environment management and toilet improvement. Carry out centralized investigation and rectification of urban and rural garbage disposal. Implement rural new energy actions, promote photovoltaic power generation, and gradually expand rural power, gas, and clean coal supply. Accelerate the revision of the management regulations for the planning and construction of villages and market towns, and vigorously promote the preparation of county rural construction planning. Promote architectural design to the countryside, and carry out pastoral architectural demonstrations. Deeply carry out the construction, management, protection and operation of rural roads, deepen the reform of rural road management system, and actively promote the integration of urban and rural transportation. Implementation of rural drinking water safety consolidation and upgrading projects and a new round of rural power grid transformation and upgrading projects. Improve the rural dilapidated house renovation policy, raise the subsidy standard, and focus on supporting key targets such as poor households with card establishment, low-income households, decentralized support for poor people, and poor disabled families. Carry out investigation and management of hidden safety hazards in dry wells, river ponds, drinking water, self-built houses, passenger transport and school buses in rural areas. Promote the construction of optical fiber to the village, and accelerate the realization of 4G network full rural coverage. Promote direct mailing of formed villages. Carry out demonstrations of rural human settlements and beautiful and livable villages. Strengthen the construction of rural public cultural service system, coordinate the implementation of key cultural benefit projects, improve grassroots comprehensive cultural service facilities, and carry out local drama activities in rural areas. Support the protection of important agricultural cultural heritage. A

24. Improve the level of basic public services in rural areas. Fully implement the urban-rural unified, rural-oriented compulsory education funding guarantee mechanism, and strengthen the construction of rural teachers. Continue to raise the financing level of basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents, accelerate the integration of urban and rural residents' medical insurance system, and promote the national network of basic medical insurance and settlement of medical treatment in different places. Strengthen the training of rural primary health personnel. Improve the identification method of rural minimum living guarantee objects, scientifically and rationally determine the rural minimum living standard. We will effectively promote the effective connection between the rural minimum living security system and the poverty alleviation and development policies, and do a good job in carrying out the rural minimum living security. Improve the financing and guarantee mechanism of urban and rural residents' endowment insurance. Improve the care service system for left-behind children, women, the elderly, and the disabled in rural areas. A

25. Solidly push forward poverty alleviation. Further promote the implementation of various policies and measures for targeted poverty alleviation to take root and ensure that more than 10 million people will be lifted out of poverty in 2017. Promote major poverty alleviation projects, strengthen the support system for poverty alleviation, coordinate the use of poverty alleviation resources, pay attention to improving the quality of poverty alleviation, inspire poor people to get rid of poverty and become prosperous, and establish a sound and stable long-term poverty relief mechanism. Strengthen the supervision and management of poverty alleviation funds, and carry out the integration of agricultural funds in all poor counties. Strictly implement the systems of assessment, supervision, and inspection and patrol to combat poverty, and fully implement responsibilities. We must resolutely stop the formalist practices in poverty alleviation work, do not engage in overweight at every level, and strictly prohibit fraud and fraud in order to achieve effective results in combating poverty. A






VI. Increasing rural reform and activating the endogenous development momentum of agriculture and rural areas

26. Deepen the reform of the price formation mechanism and purchasing and storage system of grain and other important agricultural products. Adhere to and improve the minimum purchase price policy for rice and wheat, adjust the minimum purchase price level reasonably, and form a reasonable price relationship. Resolutely promote the reform of corn market pricing and price-separation reform, improve the producer subsidy system, encourage multiple market players to enter the market for purchases, and prevent difficulties in selling grain. Take comprehensive measures to promote over-belly conversion, processing and conversion, expand consumer demand through multiple channels, and accelerate the digestion of corn and other stocks. Adjust and improve Xinjiang's cotton target price policy and improve subsidy methods. Adjust the soybean target price policy. Scientifically determine the scale of national reserves of important agricultural products such as grain, optimize the structure and regional layout of central grain reserves, reform and improve the management system of central grain reserves, give full play to the role of policy, strict policy-based grain supervision and management, prevent run-off and drip, and ensure storage safety . Support the scientific storage of grain in family farms and farmer cooperatives. A

27. Improve the agricultural subsidy system. Further improve the direction and accuracy of agricultural subsidy policies, focusing on supplementing the main production areas, moderate scale operations, farmers' income, and green ecology. Deepen the reform of the agricultural "three subsidies" system. Improve the interest compensation mechanism in the main grain-producing areas, stabilize the incentive policy of major grain-producing counties, adjust the scope of the use of incentive funds in major grain-producing provinces, and revitalize the grain risk fund. Improve the subsidy policies for the purchase of agricultural machinery, and increase the subsidies for the machinery required for the entire mechanization of grain, cotton, oil, sugar and forage production. Deepen the implementation of a new round of grassland ecological protection subsidies and incentive policies. Improve the forestry subsidy policy and expand the scope of wetland ecological benefits compensation. A

28. Reform the financial investment mechanism for supporting agriculture. Adhere to the agricultural and rural areas as the priority guarantee area of ​​financial expenditure, ensure that agricultural and rural inputs increase moderately, focus on optimizing the input structure, innovate the use of methods, and improve the efficiency of supporting agriculture. Investment in fixed assets continues to favor agricultural and rural areas. Give play to the leading role of planning and coordination, and promote the integration of agricultural-related funds in multiple levels and in various forms. Promote the source integration reform of the special transfer payment budgeting process, and explore the implementation of the "universal project + task list" management method. Innovate the use of fiscal funds, promote cooperation between the government and social capital, implement subsidies and discounts for awards, support the establishment of guarantee mechanisms, encourage local establishment of risk compensation funds, and mobilize financial and social capital to invest more in agriculture and rural areas. Establish and improve the national agricultural credit guarantee system, promote the extension of provincial credit guarantee institutions to cities and counties, and support qualified cities and counties to establish guarantee institutions as soon as possible to achieve substantive operations. Broaden the investment and financing channels for agricultural and rural infrastructure, and support social capital to participate in the construction and operation of agricultural, forestry, water conservancy, and agricultural reclamation projects through franchising and shareholding. Encourage local governments and social capital to establish various types of agricultural and rural development investment funds. Increase local government bonds to support rural infrastructure construction. Under the premise of complying with the relevant laws and regulations, explore to raise funds in a market-oriented manner for agricultural and rural construction. To study and formulate specific opinions for guiding and regulating industrial and commercial capital investment in agricultural and rural areas. For various small-scale projects supported by finances at all levels, priority should be given to rural collective economic organizations and farmers ’cooperative organizations as the main body of construction management and protection, and strengthen farmers’ participation and supervision throughout the process. A

29. Accelerate rural financial innovation. Strengthen the incentive and restraint mechanism to ensure the continued growth of loans for "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". Support financial institutions to increase county-level network outlets, and appropriately delegate authority for business approval of county-level branches. For financial institutions with more agricultural-related businesses, further improve the differentiated assessment methods. Implement the incremental incentive policy for agricultural loans. Support rural commercial banks, rural cooperative banks, village and town banks and other small and medium-sized rural financial institutions based on the county, increase the service to the "three rural", and improve internal control and risk management systems. Regulate the development of rural mutual fund assistance organizations and strictly implement the supervisory bodies and responsibilities. Pilot credit cooperation within farmers ’cooperatives will be conducted to encourage the development of mutual agricultural insurance. Support the China Development Bank to innovate credit granting methods. Improve the Agricultural Development Bank's risk compensation mechanism and capital replenishment system, and increase credit support for the market acquisition of grain diversified market entities. We will deepen the reform of the Agricultural Banking, Agriculture and Rural Affairs Department of the Agricultural Bank, and implement preferential deposit reserve ratios for county-level institutions that meet the standards. Accelerate the improvement of the operation mechanism of the Rural Banking and Financial Department of the Postal Savings Bank, and study to give relevant preferential policies. Pay close attention to study and formulate the reform plan of the Rural Credit Cooperative Association. Optimize the establishment model of village and town banks and improve the coverage of counties and cities. Financial institutions are encouraged to actively use Internet technology to provide financial services such as small deposits and loans, payment settlement and insurance for agricultural business entities. Promote the establishment of credit users, credit villages, and credit townships. Support financial institutions to develop order financing and account receivable financing business suitable for new agricultural business entities. We will further promote the pilot project of contracting land management rights and peasant housing property rights mortgage loans, and exploring the development of large-scale agricultural machinery and agricultural production facility mortgage loans. Accelerate the identification of the ownership of various types of resource assets in rural areas, and promote the online sharing of department confirmation information with banking financial institutions. Continue to promote the expansion of agricultural insurance coverage, increase products, raise standards, develop insurance products that meet the needs of new-type agricultural business entities, and take the form of awards and supplements to support local development of special agricultural product insurance. Encourage local governments to raise funds through multiple channels and support the expansion of agricultural product price index insurance pilots. Explore the establishment of an agricultural income insurance system. Support qualified agricultural-related enterprises in listing financing, issuing bonds, mergers and acquisitions. On the premise of improving the risk blocking mechanism, the financial and financial cooperation model for supporting agriculture will be improved. Encourage financial institutions to issue "Sannong" special financial bonds. Expand cooperation between banks and insurance companies to develop guaranteed insurance loan products. Deeply promote the construction of agricultural product futures and options markets, actively guide agricultural enterprises to use futures and options to manage market risks, and steadily expand the "insurance + futures" pilot. Strictly crack down on illegal fund-raising and financial fraud in rural areas. Actively promote rural financial legislation.


30. Deepen the reform of the rural collective property rights system. Implement the "three separation of powers" approach for collective ownership of rural land, farmer household contracting rights, and land management rights. Accelerate the advancement of registration and certification of rural contracted land, and expand the scope of pilot projects across the province. Coordinate and promote the pilot of reforming rural land acquisition, collectively operating construction land into the market, and homestead system reform. Comprehensively accelerate the registration and certification of rural housing sites and collective construction land in the “integration of housing and land”. To conscientiously summarize the experience of the reform of the rural homestead system, on the premise of fully guaranteeing the farmer ’s right to use the property and prevent the control of external capital encroachment, implement the collective ownership of the homestead, safeguard the farmer ’s legal rights to occupy and use the homestead, and explore the rural Organize the use of idle farm houses and homesteads by renting, cooperating, etc. to increase farmers' property income. Local governments are allowed to raise funds through multiple channels and use them as compensation for village collectives to voluntarily withdraw from contracted land and homesteads. Pay close attention to study and formulate relevant laws on rural collective economic organizations and give them legal personality. Fully carry out rural collective asset clearance and capital verification. Promote the reform of the rural collective operating assets joint-stock cooperative system in a stable and orderly manner, confirm the membership, quantify the operating assets, and protect the rights of farmers' collective assets. We will explore effective ways to develop the collective economy from the perspective of reality, encourage local governments to carry out reforms such as resources becoming assets, funds becoming shares, and farmers becoming shareholders, so as to enhance the vitality and strength of the collective economy. Study and formulate tax policies that support the reform of the rural collective property rights system. Deepen the reform of the collective forest rights system. Accelerate the construction of water rights and water markets, and promote the confirmation of water use rights and entry transactions. Speed ​​up the construction of the rural property rights trading market. A


31. Explore the establishment of agricultural and rural development land security mechanisms. Optimize the layout of urban and rural construction land, and rationally arrange land for agricultural and rural industries. Improve the new construction land security mechanism, and determine a certain percentage of the annual new construction land planning indicators to support the development of new rural industries and new formats. Speed ​​up the preparation of village-level land use planning. On the premise of controlling the total amount of rural construction land and not occupying permanent basic farmland, increase efforts to revitalize the rural stock of construction land. Shares and joint ventures are allowed to be used for saving construction land such as village remediation and homestead consolidation, focusing on supporting rural leisure tourism and old-age industries and the integration of the rural tertiary industry. It is strictly prohibited to illegally develop real estate or build private manor clubs. Improve the agricultural land policy, and actively support the construction of agricultural products cold chain, primary processing, leisure picking, storage and other facilities. Improve the management methods for the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation, strictly implement the responsibility for the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation, and explore the implementation of national overall planning for the supplement of cultivated land in resource-poor provinces. A

32. Improve the agricultural labor force transfer employment and rural entrepreneurship innovation system. Improve the equal employment system for urban and rural laborers, improve the agricultural labor force transfer employment service system, encourage multi-channel employment, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers, and focus on solving the outstanding problems faced by the new generation and occupational diseases. Support the return of rural migrant workers to start businesses in rural areas, and promote the development of modern agriculture and new industries in rural areas. Encourage college graduates, business owners, agricultural science and technology personnel, returnees and other talents to return to the countryside and start business and innovation, and introduce modern technology, production methods and business models to the countryside. Integrate and implement preferential policies in areas such as market access, fiscal taxation, financial services, land and electricity use, entrepreneurship training, and social security that support rural entrepreneurship and innovation. Encourage all regions to establish return home business parks, business incubation bases, and customer service platforms, open open service windows, and provide one-stop services. A

33. Coordinate and promote various reforms in rural areas. Continue to deepen the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives and enhance the ability to serve agriculture. Steadily promote the reform of state-owned forest areas and state-owned forest farms, and accelerate the transformation and upgrading. Deepen the reform of agricultural reclamation and cultivate competitive modern agricultural enterprise groups. Deepen the reform of the administrative system of economically developed towns. Full implementation of the river captain system to ensure that a four-level river captain system in provinces, cities, counties and townships is fully established before the end of 2018. Expand the pilot water resource tax reform. Continue to strengthen the work of the rural reform pilot zone and the national modern agricultural demonstration zone. Carry out pilot experiments on comprehensive rural reforms. Respect farmers' practice and creation, encourage grassroots to experiment first, and improve the incentive mechanism and fault tolerance mechanism. Strengthen the guidance and supervision of various types of reform pilot experiments in rural areas, sum up the experience that can be copied and promoted in a timely manner, promote the introduction of relevant policies and the revision of laws and regulations, and provide the guarantee of the rule of law for the structural reform of the agricultural supply side. Do a solid job in the third national agricultural census. A

Party committees and governments at all levels must always insist on solving the "three rural issues" as the top priority of the work of the whole party. The emphasis on agriculture and the strength of agriculture cannot be changed, and the strength cannot be reduced. To shift the focus of agricultural and rural work to the promotion of structural reforms on the agricultural supply side and implement them in various aspects such as policy formulation, work deployment, financial investment, and cadre deployment. We must thoroughly implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Party, effectively enhance the "four consciousnesses", implement the requirements for strict and strict party governance to the rural grassroots level, strictly implement the responsibility system for rural grassroots party building work, and adhere to the promotion of township promotion and county improvement To effectively strengthen the construction of rural grassroots party organizations, comprehensively standardize the life of rural grassroots party organizations, continue to rectify the weak and scattered village party organizations, choose and manage the leaders of rural grassroots party organizations, implement village party organization secretary county record management, strengthen villages Guarantee funding for the operation of a level organization to develop and strengthen the village-level collective economy. Solidly promote the work of grasping party building and promoting poverty alleviation, and give full play to the important role of the first secretary of the village party organization. County and township discipline inspection commissions should make investigating and prosecuting unhealthy practices that violate the interests of the masses and corruption issues their main tasks. Strengthen supervision of farmers' burden. Improve the effective implementation of villagers ’self-government under the leadership of village party organizations, strengthen the construction of village affairs supervision committees, improve the pragmatic and effective village affairs supervision mechanism, and carry out pilot work on villagers’ self-government with villagers ’groups and natural villages as the basic units. Deepen the pilot of rural community construction. Cultivate excellent family style, civilized rural style and Xinxiang sage culture that are compatible with the core values ​​of socialism and compatible with the construction of a new socialist countryside. Improve the ideological and moral and scientific and cultural qualities of farmers, strengthen rural customs and customs, and guide the masses to resist stereotypes such as weddings and funerals, big deals, and human debt. Strengthen rural social security management, legal publicity and education services, and letters and visits. Increasing the propaganda of the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" to create a good atmosphere for the reform and development of rural areas. A

Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, forge ahead, overcome difficulties, and solidly advance the structural reforms on the agricultural supply side, and greet the 19th National Congress with outstanding results! (Finish) 


Source: Xinhua News Agency 2017-2-5