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Recent changes in the vitamin market

Releaseder:Feed Industry Information Network Released Time:2016-12-02 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small

Market summary: VA, VE: European A (1 million IU) spot transaction price is 44-45.5 euros / kg, some large customers can sign orders of 43.5-43.75 euros / kg, the price drops; domestic vitamin A and E factories vary according to different The number of customers received orders moderately, the traders were basically stable, and the quotation was around 280 yuan / kg. The market price of E is basically stable. The quoted price is about 82 yuan / kg. Some manufacturers have a better export situation and delivery is slightly tight. European vitamin E is quoted at 7.2-7.30 euros / kg, the price is weak, and individual quotes are at 6.9-7.0 euros.


Nicotinamide / nicotinic acid: Recently, the price of tricyanopyridine has risen, which is upside down with the price of nicotinamide products, the market has become more concerned, and procurement has been active. Some manufacturers' quotation increased to 50 ~ 51 yuan / kg, the transaction price was slightly lower, and market traders reported about 50 yuan / kg. Ruibang products may be put on the market in the next 1 to 2 months.

VB2: The manufacturer's public quoted price is 280 ~ 300 yuan / kg, the transaction price is slightly lower, and the recent market price is basically stable, with a quoted price of 260-270 yuan / kg. The European market price was reported at 26-27.5 euros / kg, the price was stable, and the prices of Chinese suppliers were relatively high.

VD3: Prices in the European market have fallen broadly, with prices ranging from 7.0 to 8.0 euros / kg, and some low-priced goods at 6.7 to 6.9 euros / kg. Active market procurement.

Calcium pantothenate: The manufacturer's quotation is firm, and the actual transaction price in the market is 280 ~ 300 yuan / kg.

Biotin: The market quotation is around 65-70 yuan / kg. As the price enters the bottom range, there are rumors that manufacturers plan to stop production, and market attention has increased.

VC: On September 22, DSM announced that it would increase the selling price of vitamin C products produced in China by 10%. In October, the export price of vitamin C manufacturers was around US $ 4 / kg, rebounding from a low level. However, the export volume of vitamin C was not good in September and October. The stoppage of CSPC Group's production will boost prices. In November, the export price of raw powder from manufacturers was around US $ 5 / kg. The price of raw powder is upside down with the price of phosphate ester and coated VC. Domestic phosphate ester and coated VC manufacturers are basically in a state of suspension.

Inositol: Since 2015, there have been many inositol manufacturers, with large supply and declining prices, which has caused greater pressure on manufacturers' costs.

B6: Vitamin B6 manufacturers have resumed production one after another. The market price is about 200 yuan / kg, which is slightly weak.

B1: Manufacturers are subject to upstream raw material supply restrictions, prices continue to be firm, export market prices are high, and domestic supply is tight. This week, major manufacturers stopped reporting, and manufacturers ’quotations increased to 360 yuan / kg after the eleventh previous. The bottom of the market quotation moved upwards at 320-340 yuan / kg, and some traders increased their quotation to 360 yuan / kg.

K3: The prices of raw and auxiliary materials have risen sharply, and the downstream chromium powder market is under great pressure. Brother Technology and Zhenhua Co., Ltd. increased the price of vitamin K3 to MSB 105 yuan / kg, MNB reported 125 yuan / kg. Domestic end-users have a certain inventory, but traders have insufficient inventory, manufacturers ship slowly, and market supply is tight.

Folic acid: The supply of new manufacturers is large, and the market quotation has been corrected, reporting 300 yuan / kg, and the prices of some new brands are low.

VB12: The stoppage of the CSPC Group led to a stronger price, and traders quoted prices of around 210 ~ 220 yuan / kg.

Choline chloride: The price of raw materials has been high recently, logistics is tight, the market is worried about environmental protection in Hebei, and the price of choline chloride has risen.