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Yahe News: The 2017 China Dairy Summit was held in Qiqihar with the theme of

Released Time:2017-07-28 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small
  The rumen-passing methionine (Guoweibao), rumen-passing lysine (Guoweikang), rumen-passing choline (Guoweiling) technologies independently developed and produced by Beijing Yahe Nutrition High-tech Co., Ltd. have filled the domestic gap and broke Abroad price monopoly and technology monopoly; Rumen-passing glucose (Ru Neng No. 1) and rumen-passing vitamin (gastrin) technologies fill the world gap, rumen-passing glucose has obtained a national patent, and put forward the theory of dairy cow energy balance sugar metabolism imbalance, It has perfected the theoretical system of dairy cow energy demand and made a significant contribution to the development of the dairy industry. The following editor takes you to take a look at the 2017 China Dairy Summit.



  On July 27, in Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, which is known as the "Crane City", the 2017 China Dairy Industry D20 Summit was grandly held. Food Safety Supervision Director Sun Meijun and other leaders attended the meeting. The leaders of the top 20 dairy companies in China and many people in the industry gathered at the summit to share corporate stories and talk about the plan to "make a brand and revitalize the dairy industry".



Wang Xiaoqing, Deputy Inspector, Consumer Goods Industry Department, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology



In order to accelerate industrial structure adjustment, transformation and upgrading, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the dairy industry, Wang Xiaoqing, deputy inspector of the Consumer Goods Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, gave four suggestions, that is, to strengthen corporate responsibility and ensure the quality and safety of dairy products; Transformation and upgrading; strengthen brand building and enhance industry competitiveness; further play the role of industry organization to promote the healthy development of the industry.


Wang Xiaoqing believes that while China's dairy industry is developing well, there are still problems that the extensive growth mode has not been fundamentally changed, the competitiveness of independent brands is weak, the effective supply of high-end markets is insufficient, and consumers' confidence in domestic brands is insufficient, affecting product quality. The safety factor still exists. Modern enterprise management and basic system construction still need to be strengthened.


Sun Meijun, Director of Food Safety, State Food and Drug Administration



In terms of dairy product quality and safety, Sun Meijun, Director of Food Safety of the State Food and Drug Administration, said that in 2016, the qualified rate of dairy product sampling inspection reached 99.5%, and its quality safety indicators and nutrition indicators are comparable to international standards.


She said that in recent years, the food and drug regulatory departments have worked together with the agriculture, health and family planning, quality inspection and other departments to start with the focus on raw materials, jointly improve dairy product supervision measures, strengthen services in supervision, and strengthen supervision in services. Enterprise development creates fair competition and helps companies grow bigger and stronger. For consumers concerned about the safety of infant milk powder, Sun Meijun introduced that they should continue to carry out inspections of infant formula milk powder production enterprises, and strive to complete 35 this year, covering all three years. In addition, the Food and Drug Administration will continue to carry out inspections of large dairy companies, sample inspections of products sold on the market, and promptly publish sampling information and so on.


Deputy Minister of Agriculture of China Yu Kangzhen



Deputy Minister of Agriculture Yu Kangzhen pointed out in his speech that the theme of this meeting is "making a brand and revitalizing the dairy industry", which is of great significance for deepening the structural reform of the supply side of the dairy industry and promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the Chinese dairy industry. In recent years, the transformation and upgrading of China's dairy industry has accelerated, competitiveness has continued to increase, and a number of national brands have stood out. From the perspective of competitiveness, the main processing equipment and technical level of dairy products have approached or reached the world's advanced level, and many products of multiple enterprises have won international awards for many times.


Deputy Minister Yu Kangzhen proposed that dairy industry brand building is a systematic project with strong internal quality and external plastic image, and it should exert efforts in the following aspects: first, quality builds the brand; second, innovation cultivates the brand; third, industrialization builds the brand The fourth is to maintain the integrity of the brand; the fifth is to promote the brand. Deputy Minister Yu Kangzhen emphasized that the creation of a national brand is the hope for the development of China's dairy industry, one of the goals of building a strong dairy industry and realizing the revitalization of the dairy industry, and also the historical responsibility and glorious mission we must shoulder. We must use our perseverance and perseverance to "fix the green mountain and not relax" to make new and greater contributions to the overall revitalization of China's dairy industry!


Lu Weifeng, Vice Governor of Heilongjiang Province



As one of the important producing areas of China's dairy industry, Lu Weifeng, vice governor of Heilongjiang Province, said that Heilongjiang has a vast territory, fertile soil, good climate, and good environment. It has unique natural conditions and natural resources for the development of dairy industry. He said that as an important way to promote farmers' income and targeted poverty alleviation, Heilongjiang Province has issued a series of policies to promote the development of dairy industry. At present, the total number of dairy cows in Heilongjiang and the processing output of dairy products are at the forefront of the country. A number of modern dairy factories have been built, and their production levels have reached or even exceeded those of developed countries.