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Week 16 vitamin market dynamics in 2017

Releaseder:Feed Industry Information Network Released Time:2017-04-24 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small

VA: This week, the VA market price is 180-190 yuan / kg. Recently, the manufacturers ’quotations for customers have continued to fall, and the market decline has expanded. The downstream companies have a strong wait-and-see attitude, that is, they are mainly buying and using, and the VA market is weak. The quotations in the European market fell, and the spot quotations of VA1000 mostly ranged from 32-34 euros / kg.



VE: This week's VE market price is 48-52 yuan / kg. Recently, with the release of new manufacturers and new production capacity, VE manufacturers' quotations have weakened, and the domestic market has weakened. This week, there was a construction accident in Nengte Technology, and the market response was flat. The quotation is stable. The European VE market has declined, with quotations ranging from 4.8-5.1 euros / kg.


Calcium pantothenate: This week's market quotation is around 230-235 yuan / kg, Brother Technology may release the product in April, the downstream mentality is cautious, that is, buy and use mainly, recent market news said calcium pantothenate manufacturers quoted 230 yuan / kg , Dealers' quotations rebounded.


Nicotinamide: This week the market price is 70-75 yuan / kg. Paraquat has been withdrawn from the market since July this year. The raw material tricyanopyridine has been operating at a high level. Manufacturers have maintained a price-fixing mentality. Zhejiang Rambo has recently stopped production. The timing of resumption of production is uncertain, and the nicotinamide market is running strongly.


D3: This week's market quotation is about 66-70 yuan / kg, the market demand is weak, the price of D3 is running low, and the market quotation is stable this week. The European market is volatile, with quotations of 7.2-7.6 euros / kg.


B1: The market price this week is around 380-385 yuan / kg. Strict environmental protection, rising raw materials, and manufacturers holding a price mentality. On March 20, Tianxin Pharmaceutical increased the price of nitric acid B1 to 400 yuan / kg, and the price of hydrochloric acid B1 to 430 yuan / kg. price.


B2: This week the market price is around 185-195 yuan / kg. New production capacity has entered, there is ample supply in the market, the downstream wait-and-see mentality is strong, and market prices have recently been lowered. The European market is stable, with quotations ranging from 23-23.5 euros / kg.


B6: The market price this week is around 230-235 yuan / kg, and the environmental protection pressure in Leping Industrial Park is relatively heavy. Earlier market news said that Tianxin Pharmaceutical stopped reporting the current price increase intentions. Before May 1, Haijianuo stopped B6 due to environmental protection. According to the report, Wison Pharmaceuticals ceased production, market attention increased, and quotations rose.


B12: This week's market quotation is around 230-240 yuan / kg. Ningxia and Hebei have strict environmental protection, and market quotations continue to operate in the high range.


2% Biotin: This week's market quotation is about 67-70 yuan / kg, and the price of biotin is in the low range. Market news said that biotin manufacturers have stopped reporting. Rumors that there are manufacturers have plans to stop production, and some manufacturers have stopped export quotations. Recently, market attention has increased The turnover improved, and the biotin market operated steadily and strongly.


Folic acid: This week the market reported about 280-320 yuan / kg. Recently, the quotation of the folic acid market is relatively stable, while the quotations of small manufacturers are relatively low.


K3: This week's market quotation is 130-135 yuan / kg. Due to tight raw material prices, K3 manufacturers raised their prices on March 3. MSB quoted 135 yuan / kg, and MNB quoted 165 yuan / kg. The supply of mainstream manufacturers was tight, market sources said Brother manufacturers stopped reporting their current price increase intentions, and the K3 market is quite priced.


VC: This week's market quotation was around 70-75 yuan / kg. In April, the environmental protection inspection team strengthened supervision on pollution prevention in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Market sources said that some manufacturers had priced over 70 yuan / kg for feed-grade raw powder. Depends on willingness, increased market attention, and VC market firm prices.