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The Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance issued three documents to support the development of animal husbandry

Released Time:2014-07-25 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small
  Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Office of the Ministry of Finance issued three consecutive articles: "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Guiding Opinions on the Implementation of the 2014 Livestock Development Support Fund", "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Development of Modern Southern Grassland Livestock Industry in 2014" "Notice on Doing a Good Job of Expanding Herd of Basic Cows in 2014." Attached to the original notice:




Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Office of the Ministry of Finance on Printing and Distributing the 2014 Guiding Opinions on the Implementation of Support Funds for Livestock Development


In order to implement the spirit of the Central Document No. 1 and the national policy requirements for supporting the development of the breeding industry, in 2014, the central government arranged the "Livestock Development Support Fund" to further promote livestock breeding subsidies, livestock and poultry fisheries standardized healthy breeding and high-yield high-quality alfalfa demonstration construction . In order to strengthen the implementation of the policy, we formulated the "Guiding Opinions on the Implementation of Livestock Development Support Funds in 2014". Is issued to you, please follow.


General Office of Ministry of Agriculture General Office of Ministry of Finance


July 21, 2014


2014 Guiding Opinions on the Implementation of Livestock Development Support Fund


In order to promote the sustainable and healthy development of China's aquaculture industry, increase the scale and standardization of production, and ensure the implementation of the 2014 livestock development support funds, the following implementation guidelines are specifically formulated:


1. Work tasks and implementation requirements


(1) Livestock subsidies


Can breed 16.5225 million sows. The amount of tasks remains unchanged from the previous year, and the number of project counties and tasks in the province can be adjusted appropriately according to the progress of the previous year.


Milk can breed 8.975 million cows. Continuing to provide a total of 75.1 million Holstein cattle (including Juanshan cattle), Anhui, Fujian, Henan, Hunan, Hubei, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other 850,000 milk buffaloes, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui , Jiangxi, Sichuan, Tibet, Qinghai, Xinjiang and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and other 10 project areas 545,000 dairy Simmental cattle, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps 320,000 brown cattle, Qinghai Province 40,000 yak , And 50,000 Sanhe cattle in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to implement subsidies for refined frozen semen.


Meat can reproduce 4.51 million cows. The project provinces and regions and the task volume remain unchanged from the previous year.


There are 247,000 rams. The project provinces and regions and the task volume remain unchanged from the previous year.


18,200 yak breeding bulls. It will continue to be implemented in the five pastoral provinces of Sichuan, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, and Xinjiang, and the amount of subsidies will remain unchanged from the previous year.


For the 2014 animal breeding subsidy task assignment table, please refer to Annex 1. Each provincial animal husbandry department must decompose the task to the project county together with the financial department.


(2) Livestock and poultry fisheries standardized and healthy farming


Standardized healthy farming of livestock and poultry fisheries focuses on supporting the main production areas, the periphery of the central city and the relatively advantageous production areas close to the central city, focusing on improving disaster resistance, emergency supply capacity of livestock and fishery products and product quality and safety levels.


Livestock and poultry standardized breeding mainly supports pigs, laying hens, broilers, beef cattle and sheep. The beef cattle and sheep projects give priority to supporting standardized breeding farms for raising mother animals. The provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in 2014 shall support the ratio of funds for beef cattle and sheep farms not less than 2013. The farms to be supported must meet the following standards: 5,000 to 5,000 live pigs; 100,000 to 100,000 laying hens; 50,000 to 100,000 broilers; 100 to 2,000 beef cattle; and 300 to 3,000 sheep.


Farmery standardization and healthy aquaculture focus on supporting fishery standardization and large-scale aquaculture. The specific standards are as follows: pond farms of more than 200 acres (100 acres in the western region) and more than 3,000 square meters of factory-cultivated water.


(3) High-yield and high-quality alfalfa demonstration construction


Implemented in the alfalfa predominant production areas in northeast, north and northwest, and the main dairy cow production areas. In 2014, in Hebei, Tianjin, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Xinjiang and other 14 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Heilongjiang Provincial Agricultural Reclamation Bureau Build a 500,000 mu high-yield and high-quality alfalfa demonstration area.


2. Subsidies and standards


(1) Livestock subsidies


Subsidy targets are sow, dairy, and beef cattle farms (communities, households) that use refined sperm for artificial insemination in the project area, as well as farmers who can breed more than 30 ewes and 25 yaks or more cows.


Live pigs: Each capable sow uses 4 semen per year, with a subsidy of 10 yuan per semen. Subsidized breeds include Duroc pigs, Changbai pigs, Yorkshire pigs and other imported breeds approved by the country, as well as cultivated breeds (supporting lines) and local breeds.


Dairy cows: The subsidized targets include Holstein cattle, Juanshan cattle, milk buffalo, dairy Simmental, brown cattle, yak and Sanhe cattle and other breedable cows. Holstein cattle and Juanshan cattle use 2 doses of frozen sperm per year with a subsidy of 15 yuan; milk buffaloes use 3 doses of frozen sperm per year with a subsidy of 10 yuan; Simmental, brown, yak and Sanhe cows for milk Use 2 doses of frozen sperm with a subsidy of 10 yuan per dose.


Beef cattle: Use 2 doses of frozen sperm per year for each breeding cow, with a subsidy of 5 yuan per dose. Subsidized varieties include those approved by the state for introduction and self-cultivation, as well as excellent local varieties.


Sheep: One-time subsidy of 800 yuan for sheep and goat breed rams. Subsidized varieties include those approved by the state for introduction and self-cultivation, as well as excellent local varieties.


Yak: A one-time subsidy of 2,000 yuan for each yak breeding bull. Subsidized varieties include self-cultivated varieties and excellent local varieties.


(2) Livestock and poultry fisheries standardized and healthy farming


Focus on supporting large-scale farms and farmer cooperatives with independent legal personality and registered with the industry and commerce department (priority support for farmer cooperatives for centralized breeding of livestock and poultry). Institutions such as scientific research and technology promotion cannot be used as subsidies. In order to avoid over-dispersion or over-concentration of funds, the scale of subsidies for each reconstruction and expansion project unit is controlled between 500,000 and 1 million yuan, including large-scale breeding farms for laying hens and broilers, specialized fattening farms for beef cattle and mutton sheep, and fisheries in the western region. The scale of subsidy funds for farms is controlled between 250,000 and 1 million yuan. Provincial animal husbandry, fishery departments and financial departments can refine the specific subsidy standards in the region according to local actual conditions and the central government ’s funding arrangements.


In order to innovate the model of financial support for agriculture, explore the promotion of financial capital to increase the support of animal husbandry development, in accordance with the "Some Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on the Development of Financial Services" Sannong "(Guobanfa [2014] No. 17), 2014 In 2010, Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Sichuan and other four provinces launched fiscal innovation pilot projects to support financial support for agriculture. Pilot provincial central government subsidies can use credit guarantees and interest discounts to guide and drive financial capital, amplify the effects of fiscal funds, and focus on supporting cattle. Lamb production. The animal husbandry departments of the four provinces should work together with the financial departments to strengthen communication and cooperation with financial institutions, scientifically design pilot programs, pay attention to the organic combination of the safety of financial funds and the benefits of capital use, and explore to meet the needs of farmers in the construction of large-scale farms, livestock and The effective mode of credit demand for feed procurement and other aspects has fully stimulated the vitality of farming indoors and further enhanced the market competitiveness. Provincial pilot programs should be reported to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance for the record before the end of August 2014.


(3) High-yield and high-quality alfalfa demonstration construction


Subsidy targets are farmers ’professional forage production cooperatives, forage production and processing enterprises, dairy farming enterprises (farms) and dairy farmers’ professional production cooperatives, giving priority to supporting cooperatives. The subsidies should have independent legal personality, and the asset structure and operating conditions should be good. The cooperative has been established for more than one year, has a standardized charter, a sound management system, has independent bank accounts and accounting books, has established member accounts, implements independent accounting, and implements sound financial management and income distribution systems. Forage production and processing enterprises must have a credit rating of A (inclusive) or higher (except for companies that have not applied for bank loans), have experience in alfalfa production and processing, and have a registered capital of 2 million yuan (inclusive) or more. Dairy farming enterprises (farms) must keep more than 300 heads. Subsidies shall be granted for the relatively concentrated continuous alfalfa planting of more than 3000 mu according to the standard of 600 yuan per mu.


3. Regulate working procedures and use of funds


The animal husbandry departments of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) shall, in conjunction with the financial department, determine the project counties for improved livestock subsidies in accordance with the relevant standards and requirements of the Ministry of Agriculture, strengthen the publicity of the subsidy process, strictly bid for procurement procedures, reasonably determine the supply and breeding units, and strengthen the breeding and Supervise the quality of semen, do a good job of various technical guidance and services, and promptly complete the settlement of subsidy funds. If there is any balance of project funds and cattle frozen semen in various places, they will be carried forward to the next year for continued use.


Standardized and healthy farming of livestock and poultry fisheries continues to adopt the method of "build first and supplement later", and subsidize the project declaration units that complete the project tasks as required and pass the acceptance check in the order of the scores of the acceptance check. The acceptance and assessment work shall be organized and implemented by the provincial animal husbandry and fishery departments together with the financial department, and shall be completed and subsidized within the year. The central subsidy funds should be prioritized for renovation and expansion, and are mainly used to improve livestock and poultry and aquatic products, improve production facilities, strengthen quality and safety supervision, promote healthy breeding technology and harmless treatment of manure. Since 2012, the implementation unit that has undertaken the "vegetable basket" product production support project will not repeat the arrangement this year.


Relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) animal husbandry departments should set up an expert group to promote the development of alfalfa for dairy industry, formulate and improve audit standards, strictly establish projects, and publicize the identified project undertakers. After the project is established, the financial department will arrange 50% of the subsidy funds in advance; after the project is accepted and the publicity period expires without objection, after determining the subsidy demonstration area, the financial department will arrange the remaining 50% of the subsidy funds; for the unqualified acceptance, the financial department Together with the agricultural department, it will recover the 50% of the pre-arranged subsidy funds, or arrange the remaining 50% of the subsidy funds after the deadline for rectification. High-quality and high-quality alfalfa demonstration construction subsidies are mainly used to improve alfalfa varieties, implement standardized production, improve production conditions, and improve quality and safety. The acceptance work will be implemented by the provincial animal husbandry department in conjunction with the financial department. Experts will be organized to conduct on-site assessment and acceptance based on the high-yield and high-quality alfalfa demonstration plot acceptance criteria (see Appendix 3), and the acceptance results will be publicized.


Fourth, strengthen organizational management


(1) Formulate the implementation plan. Provincial animal husbandry, fishery departments and financial departments shall, according to the requirements of notification, in accordance with the principles of openness, fairness and transparency, publicize the content of policies, reporting requirements, subsidy standards and subsidy scope through television, Internet, newspapers and announcements, etc. Based on local reality, carefully prepare the provincial project implementation plan, scientifically determine the implementation area, target tasks, operating procedures and subsidies, etc., standardize the selection of project counties or project units, and submit the provincial implementation plan by July 31 Recorded by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance.


(2) Strengthen fund management. Financial departments at all levels should work with the animal husbandry and fisheries departments to effectively strengthen fund supervision, allocate funds in full and in a timely manner, and promptly correct and deal with relevant units and personnel in accordance with the procedures once the crowding, interception, and misappropriation of project funds are discovered. The capital arrangement shall be publicized in time, and the time for publicity shall not be less than 7 days. If there is any objection to the public announcement, a review shall be organized.


(3) Strengthen supervision and evaluation. Provincial animal husbandry and fishery departments should work with the financial department to strengthen project implementation process management, promote performance appraisal, and establish a mechanism for linking performance appraisal results to the funding arrangements for the next year. The Ministry of Agriculture continues to carry out performance management work for the standardized and healthy breeding of livestock, poultry and fisheries, and specific requirements will be notified separately. All provinces are requested to report the use of animal husbandry development support funds to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance before December 20.


General Office of Ministry of Agriculture General Office of Ministry of Finance


July 21, 2014


  General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture General Office of the Ministry of Finance on the 2014 Southern Modern Grassland Animal Husbandry Development Notice



In order to implement the spirit of the Central Document No. 1, and promote the development of grassland animal husbandry in the south, the central government arranged the "animal husbandry development support fund" in 2014 to support the development of modern grassland animal husbandry in the south. In order to strengthen fund management and ensure the implementation of policies, relevant matters are now notified as follows.


1. Mission objectives


Under the premise of protecting the ecological environment, rationally develop and utilize grassland grassland resources in the south, focus on contiguous grassland grasslands, and focus on building a batch of beef and mutton production with larger grassland, better breeding foundation, obvious development advantages, and strong demonstration driving ability The base will gradually improve the grassland animal husbandry infrastructure and technological support conditions in the south, increase grassland resource utilization and rural labor productivity, promote the development of modern grassland animal husbandry in the south, and increase farmers' income.


2. Basic principles


(1) Increase grass and livestock, supporting grass and livestock. Adhere to the principle of selecting good grass and livestock, and combining grass and livestock as the main selection criteria of the project, support agricultural and animal husbandry professional cooperatives and enterprises to carry out natural grassland improvement and artificial grassland planting, continuously improve the carrying capacity of grassland resources in the south, and promote the organic cultivation of grassland and livestock Combine and coordinate development.


(2) Scientific use, environmentally friendly. Strictly implement the grass-livestock balance system, develop house feeding and half house feeding and captivity, carry out grassland grazing prohibition and grazing in accordance with local conditions, and prohibit overloading and overgrazing. Adhere to a high starting point and high standards to build modern breeding infrastructure, and promote the utilization and harmless treatment of livestock and poultry manure.


(3) Technology first, high quality and high efficiency. Give full play to the technical advantages of grassland technology promotion agencies and scientific research institutions at all levels, establish an expert package linking guidance service mechanism, follow up the whole process, and guide the entire industry. At the same time, give full play to the leading role of the project main body, continuously improve the level of breeding and efficiency of the demonstration area, and strive to build a batch of high-quality beef and mutton production bases.


(4) The power and responsibility to the province, overall coordination. Provincial departments have overall responsibility for project implementation, and must establish a performance evaluation system, decompose task indicators, and clarify target responsibilities. Combined with local reality, we coordinated funds from different channels such as returning farmland to forests and grasslands, improving livestock varieties, expanding basic mother-breeding and other groups, and used it for the development of modern grassland animal husbandry in the south, giving full play to the comprehensive benefits invested by the central government.


III. Scope subject and reporting conditions


(1) Scope subject. It is implemented in 10 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) such as Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan, with agricultural and animal husbandry professional cooperative organizations and enterprises as the main body.


(2) Application conditions


1. Cooperative cooperative application conditions. Concentrated continuous contracted circulation of over 3,000 acres of grassland, land contracted circulation period of not less than 10 years (from 2014); farmed beef, beef and sheep more than 800 sheep units, the breeding area has good infrastructure conditions such as water, electricity, roads, etc. ; The production and operation are in good condition, and the farmers with the surrounding radiation sign the purchase and sale contracts or labor contracts of grass products and livestock products.


2. Enterprise declaration conditions. Concentrated continuous contracted circulation of over 5,000 acres of grassland, land contracted circulation period of not less than 10 years (from 2014); farmed beef, beef and sheep more than 1,200 sheep units, the breeding area has good water, electricity, road and other infrastructure conditions ; The production and operation are in good condition, and the farmers with the surrounding radiation sign the purchase and sale contracts or labor contracts of grass products and livestock products.


IV. Project content and subsidy standards


(1) Project content. One is the improvement of natural grasslands. Construct grassland fences in appropriate places, supplement and improve degraded and rocky desertified grasslands, comprehensively prevent grassland biological disasters, and carry out grazing ban and grazing in accordance with local conditions. The second is the establishment of high-quality and stable-yield artificial forage grassland. Carry out land consolidation, construct irrigation ditch, field operation channel and other infrastructure, popularize excellent forage seeds, promote the application of high-yield integrated technologies such as grass seed coating, mixed seeding, water and fertilizer control, and comprehensive prevention and control of biological disasters, and focus on supporting the construction of a batch of high-quality, high-yield and stable production Forage base. The third is the construction of standardized and intensive aquaculture infrastructure. Carry out standardization construction of high-standard livestock pens, grass storage sheds, silage pits and manure treatment facilities, and give priority to supporting the construction of a number of breeding bases that adopt a self-propagating and self-supporting model and cattle and sheep stocks meet certain standards. Fourth, the construction of grass and livestock product processing facilities and equipment. Carry out the processing of the production areas of grass products and livestock products, purchase forage harvesting and harvesting, field drying and packaging, bale pressing and storage, and key facilities such as product processing, grading, packaging, inspection and testing. Fifth, technical training services. Provide subsidies to the project undertaking unit to hire relevant experts to provide technical guidance and carry out technical training services.


(2) Subsidy standard. Provincial (district, municipal) financial and grassland administrative departments determine the specific subsidy standards in the region based on the actual local and central financial subsidy arrangements.


(3) Use and release of funds. The construction period of the project is one year, and the day plan is issued since this notice. After the project is established, the provincial financial department will arrange 70% of the subsidy funds in advance. After the acceptance, the remaining 30% of the funds will be arranged. If the acceptance fails, the remaining funds shall be deducted and rectified within a time limit. The central government's subsidy funds must be used for the above five aspects of the project. The project undertakers can reasonably arrange the construction tasks according to the actual situation, focusing on natural grassland improvement, artificial grassland planting, and purchase of forage harvesting and processing machinery and equipment.


V. Organization and implementation


According to the principle of simplified administration and decentralization, implement "four provinces" of projects, funds, tasks and responsibilities. The central government cut the subsidy funds into provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), and the provincial grassland administrative supervisors and financial departments organize project declaration, approval, publicity, performance evaluation and inspection and acceptance. In accordance with the requirements of this notice, the grassland administrative departments and financial departments of various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) shall formulate provincial implementation plans, together with the project materials approved by the provincial level, and submit them to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance for the record before the end of August 2014. The Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance will conduct spot checks on project implementation and performance evaluation in due course, and re-evaluate some provinces (autonomous regions and cities) if necessary.


VI. Work requirements


(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. The implementation of the Southern Modern Grassland Animal Husbandry Advancement Action Project is a major breakthrough in the protection, development and utilization of grassland in the south, a powerful starting point for promoting the economic and social development of mountainous areas and poor areas in the south, and an important part of promoting the construction of ecological civilization. All provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) are required to attach great importance to and organize carefully, establish a project implementation leadership group, strengthen organizational leadership, and implement work responsibilities step by step. Grassland administrative departments and financial departments at all levels must coordinate with each other, cooperate closely, and do a good job in all basic work. It is necessary to increase publicity efforts and guide all sectors of the society to pay attention to, support and participate in the grassland protection and construction of southern China and the development of modern animal husbandry.


(2) Strengthen technical guidance. The provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) grassland administrative departments shall organize experts from grassland technology promotion agencies and scientific research institutions to establish project expert groups, linking the guidance services to the film. The expert group should provide full technical tracking services, carry out technical guidance, organize learning and training exchanges, solve key technical problems, and improve the project's scientific and technological support level. The project undertaking unit shall take the initiative to communicate and collaborate with the expert group and sign a technical guidance service contract. All provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) should establish fixed grassland monitoring points and farmer household contact points in the project area, regularly conduct grassland ecological status monitoring and farmer household surveys, and comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of project implementation. Encourage the development of qualitative and contractual certification and issuance of natural grasslands and artificial grasslands.


(3) Strengthen fund management. Financial departments at all levels should work with grassland administrative departments to effectively strengthen fund supervision, disburse funds in full and in a timely manner, and promptly correct and deal with relevant units and personnel in accordance with procedures as soon as the situation of crowding out, interception, and misappropriation of project funds is discovered. The project undertaking unit shall establish complete grassland, cattle and sheep, and radiation-driven farmers' basic information files, grass product production and cattle and sheep breeding, processing and sales management files, as well as project file use and distribution details files, and strengthen file and financial management.


(4) Strengthen supervision and inspection. All provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) should formulate project implementation management measures, standardize project implementation plan preparation, project announcement, report approval, performance evaluation, inspection and acceptance and other links, strengthen project implementation supervision and inspection, and find and rectify problems in a timely manner. The approval of the project and the results of the inspection and acceptance shall be publicized for not less than 7 days. The performance evaluation and implementation of projects in various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) should be reported to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance before the end of July 2015. All provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) should strengthen the establishment of grassland law enforcement supervision agencies, promptly investigate and punish all kinds of illegal and criminal acts that damage grassland resources, and ensure the effectiveness of project implementation.


General Office of Ministry of Agriculture General Office of Ministry of Finance


July 21, 2014


  General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, General Office of the Ministry of Finance



In order to implement the spirit of the No. 1 document of the Central Government and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the beef cattle industry, in 2014, the Central Government allocated the "Livestock Development Support Fund" to support the expansion of the beef cattle base herd. In order to strengthen fund management and ensure the effectiveness of implementation, relevant matters are now notified as follows.


1. Work objectives


Through the implementation of policy projects, mobilize the enthusiasm of local cow breeding, increase the number of basic cows, promote moderate-scale breeding of cows, and gradually solve the development bottleneck problems such as the continuous decline of basic cow inventory and insufficient supply of cows, and provide the basis for increasing the supply of beef market support.


2. Implementation content


(1) Implementation area


Implemented in large-scale cow breeding counties with more than 30,000 cows on the basis of beef cattle. Priority is given to select counties that subsidize improved cattle breeds. The project province (region, city, hereinafter referred to as the project province) may appropriately raise the breeding scale standard of the project county according to the actual situation of the local beef cattle basic cow breeding. Pastoral counties are not included in the scope of implementation.


(2) Subsidy target


1. Farms (including breeding farms), farmers, and farmers' professional cooperatives with more than 10 (including 10) beef cows in the project county (basic cows require centralized feeding);


2. The project is a large-scale beef cattle breeding enterprise with more than 500 head of beef cattle.


The project province can appropriately raise the breeding scale standard of the subsidies according to the local conditions. The subsidies should have the basic conditions for expanding the herd of cows in terms of personnel, feeding and management techniques, pens, epidemic prevention, and manure disposal.


(3) Subsidies


Local yellow cattle breeds, beef cattle breeds approved by the state and beef cattle breeds approved for import, including both dairy and cattle breeds and hybrid cows for hybrid production, excluding yak and buffalo breeds.


Basic cows refer to adult cows with reproductive ability (in principle, they should be over 18 months old), excluding reserve cows.


(4) Subsidy method


Adopt the "first increase and then supplement" method, implement the cow inventory to determine the main body, and add the calf fixed funds. The newly added calves should be descendants of own cows or purchased cows. The purchased calves are not included in the new calf range.


(5) Subsidy Standard


The project province determines the subsidy standards in stages according to the scale of the central government's subsidy funds and the eligible subsidies. The central government subsidy funds are mainly used for the purchase of forage materials related to basic cow breeding, the construction and renovation of facilities such as pens, silos, artificial grasslands, epidemic prevention, wearing electronic ear tags, policy publicity, quantity verification, and filing cards And other expenditures.


3. Implementation procedures


(1) Basic cow verification. On-site verification of basic cow inventory data requires uniform wearing of ear tags, registration and creation of archives, and establishment of archives to achieve "retention of paper documents and management of electronic documents". The verification work is completed within one month after the provincial implementation plan is issued.


(2) Identify subsidies. The local animal husbandry and veterinary department, together with the financial department, will determine the target of subsidy based on the principle of "voluntary, open, fair and merit-based". The animal husbandry and veterinary department at the county level shall sign a task assessment report on the target of cow expansion with the subsidies. After the subsidy target is determined, the animal husbandry and veterinary department of the project county shall submit the basic cow on-site verification data and the proposed incremental data (Annex 1) of the subsidy object in the local area to the provincial animal husbandry and veterinary department. Recently reported to the Ministry of Agriculture for the record.


(3) Newly added calf verification. The new calf verification should combine the basic cow artificial insemination and breeding records with the primary calf basic information, so that the new calf file information is complete, the authenticity can be verified, and the verification results are publicized. This year is the first year of project implementation, and the implementation period is from July 2014 to June 2015.


(4) Allocate subsidy funds. The financial department of the project county shall allocate the subsidy funds to the subsidies in a timely manner based on the verification results of the new calves. Subsidies for large-scale basic cow breeding enterprises with more than 500 heads will be organized and implemented by the provincial animal husbandry and veterinary departments together with the financial departments.


4. Work requirements


(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. The implementation of project management implements "four provinces", that is, the subsidy funds are cut into provinces, the target tasks are implemented into provinces, the approval authority is delegated to provinces, and the management responsibilities are clearly defined to provinces. Provincial animal husbandry and veterinary departments should work together with the financial department to strengthen organizational leadership, refine implementation plans, implement management measures, strengthen process supervision, strict capital supervision, and ensure that policies are in place. Please apply provincial implementation plans and funds by August 15, 2014 The distribution plan shall be submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance for the record, and the basic cow data statistics table of the major cow breeding county shall be submitted at the same time.


(Annex 2), and report the project implementation summary to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance before the end of June 2015.


(2) Strengthen project management. Provincial animal husbandry and veterinary departments and financial departments should urge the project counties to effectively grasp the four points of cow registration, breeding and breeding, new calf verification, and publicity of subsidies, and at the same time strengthen technical guidance and services, and develop cow and calf feeding technology. Training to effectively improve the level of cow breeding.


(3) Strengthen capital supervision. Provincial finance departments should work together with the animal husbandry and veterinary departments to strengthen fund supervision, timely grasp the progress of the project and the use of funds, and if the use of funds does not meet the requirements, the subsidy funds should be recovered; , And depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, cancel the qualification of the relevant county project.


The Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance will conduct spot checks on the implementation of the project's provincial policy organization, capital use management, and the effect of the basic cow expansion herd. The results of the spot checks will serve as an important basis for the 2015 funding arrangements.


General Office of Ministry of Agriculture General Office of Ministry of Finance


July 17, 2014









July 21, 2014