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Chen Chunhua: What should agriculture and animal husbandry consider in 2014?

Released Time:2013-12-11 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small

 Great Wisdom Astec News Agency, February 12th, the Ministry of Agriculture released the "2014 Animal Husbandry Work Essentials" on Tuesday evening, making a total of seven requirements. One is to steadily improve the comprehensive production capacity of livestock and poultry; the second is to strengthen the monitoring and early warning of animal husbandry information; the third is to accelerate the construction of a modern feed production system; the fourth is to continue to promote grassland protection and construction; the fifth is to accelerate the construction of a modern dairy industry; the sixth is to do a good job in animal husbandry Lay the foundation and manage the long-term work; Seventh, strengthen the construction of animal husbandry system style.



Ministry of Agriculture put forward a total of 27 work contents around the above seven major aspects. Among them, in order to steadily increase the comprehensive production capacity of livestock and poultry, the Ministry of Agriculture has requested that it continue to vigorously promote the standardization of livestock and poultry farming. Strengthen the supervision of the core pig breeding farms and accelerate the joint breeding of pigs. Implement genetic improvement plans for dairy and beef cattle and select core breeding farms for beef cattle. Carry out the selection of the national laying hen core breeding farm and the promotion base for the breeding and expansion of improved breeds. We must actively strive for the support of animal husbandry financial loans, innovate guarantee methods, expand the scope of mortgage pledges, promote the establishment of risk sharing mechanisms for banks, governments, enterprises and guarantee institutions; promote the expansion of pilot trials of large-scale farming pig price insurance policies, and strive to expand animal husbandry policy insurance The scope of pilot premium subsidies.


In terms of strengthening animal husbandry information monitoring and early warning, the Ministry of Agriculture requires relying on the animal husbandry mobile monitoring platform to explore effective ways to include animal husbandry national and provincial leading enterprises in the scope of monitoring. It is necessary to explore and implement a tracking and monitoring system for pig slaughtering enterprises, continue to carry out research on the early warning index of pigs, and continue to strengthen the monitoring of raw milk purchasing stations.


In terms of accelerating the construction of a modern feed production system, the Ministry of Agriculture emphasized that it is necessary to speed up the formulation and improvement of the administrative approval system, procedures and specifications of the provincial feed management department, comprehensively promote the entire quality and safety management system of feed production, and organize the implementation of "clenbuterol" for farmers Special monitoring plan, carry out cross-provincial net monitoring in key provinces, and conduct a comprehensive investigation of the banned "Clenbuterol" substances.


In the continuous promotion of grassland protection and construction, the Ministry of Agriculture pointed out that the most stringent protection should be implemented to ensure that the basic grassland "does not decrease in quantity, quality or use". It is necessary to carry out pilot projects for registration and certification of grassland rights, and at the same time to deeply implement the grassland ecological compensation policy and accelerate the transformation of the development mode of grassland animal husbandry. We must strive to increase the investment in the second phase of the Beijing-Tianjin wind and sand source grassland management project, and do a good job in starting a new round of the project of returning farmland to forest and grass.


The Ministry of Agriculture also put forward three requirements for accelerating the construction of a modern dairy industry. One is to strengthen the supervision of raw milk production, acquisition and transportation; the second is to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of dairy production, and strive to include 100-300 heads of breeding communities in the standardization of dairy cows. The scope of support for large-scale breeding projects, giving priority to supporting dairy companies to build self-controlled breeding farms and communities to improve production conditions. Explore and increase support for dairy farmers ’cooperatives and family farms, improve the degree of dairy farmers’ organization, and promote local pilot trials of the purchase price of raw milk; third, continue to implement the development of alfalfa to revitalize the dairy industry.