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Beijing Yahe company was invited to participate in Gansu province dairy farm management technology training

Released Time:2013-09-03 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small

 August 4-5, 2013, "Gansu Province Dairy Farm Management Technology Training Course" jointly sponsored by the National Dairy Industry Technology System Lanzhou Comprehensive Test Station, the National Dairy Industry Technology System Disease Control Laboratory and the Gansu Dairy Association Successfully held in Lanzhou Hotel.



Mr. Yang Zhiqiang, director and researcher of Lanzhou Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Mr. He Mingyuan, deputy director of Gansu Provincial Animal Husbandry Industry Administration, and secretary general of Gansu Dairy Association, were invited to attend the opening ceremony and delivered a warm speech. More than 80 management and technical personnel from large-scale dairy farms across the province participated in the training.


Mr. Wan Kun, Technical Director of Beijing Yahe Nutrition High-Tech Co., Ltd. and Mr. Tao Chunwei, Manager of Technical Department were invited to participate in this training, and made a discussion on the feeding management and design concepts of modern-scale dairy farms and how to improve the yield and milk index of dairy cows. The wonderful training was well received by the participants. At the same time, the training class also specially invited well-known experts from Sifang Liou Livestock Technology Co., Ltd., Israel SCR Engineers Ltd, Ningxia University, Shanghai Yuanfan Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd. and other domestic and foreign dairy service companies to standardize the management of large-scale dairy farms. , The latest technology application progress and prospects in the field of epidemic prevention and control, breeding and breeding, outstanding problems that plague large-scale cattle farms, and efficient and safe business outlets, etc. were given special training.


In recent years, Gansu's dairy industry has developed steadily, dairy farming has recovered in reorganization, and standardized scale farming has been improved. In 2012, the number of dairy cows (including hybrid cattle) in Gansu Province was 189,200, of which holstein cattle were 149,400, an increase of 6.86% over 2011; the total milk output was 509,700 tons, an increase of 28,000 tons over the previous year, an increase of 5.7% . However, the large-scale dairy farming in Gansu started late, the application of standardized farming technology is not popular, the scale of cattle farming management is low, and the scientific nutrition feed formula is lacking, resulting in an average yield of 5.244 tons (2012). Industrial technology system Lanzhou Comprehensive Experimental Station and Disease Control Research Office have held large-scale dairy farm feeding management, breeding and breeding, epidemic prevention and training training courses for the past two years, for more than 1,000 people (times) for large-scale dairy farm training management and technical personnel, It has played an active role in improving the application level of dairy farming technology and the management of large-scale pastures.