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"Key points of animal husbandry and veterinary work in 2019" released

Releaseder:Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Released Time:2019-02-16 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small

  In 2018, animal husbandry and veterinary departments at all levels resolutely implemented the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, closely followed the theme of high-quality development, continued to deepen the structural reform of the animal husbandry supply side, and firmly carried out animal epidemic prevention and control and veterinary health supervision, and continued to promote Animal husbandry increases production and income and improves quality and efficiency. The overall production capacity of animal husbandry is generally stable, and the meat output continues to remain above 85 million tons; the efficiency of livestock and poultry farming is generally better than normal, the pig industry is slightly profitable, and the breeding efficiency of layer, broiler, beef cattle, and sheep is higher than that of the previous year The quality and safety risks in key areas such as feed, veterinary medicine, raw milk, slaughter, etc. have been effectively managed and controlled, and no major quality and safety incidents have occurred throughout the year; industrial transformation and upgrading continue to advance, and the scale of livestock and poultry farming is expected to exceed 60%, compared with the previous year Increased by 2 percentage points; positive progress was made in the green development of animal husbandry; the comprehensive utilization rate of livestock and poultry manure reached 70%; the veterinary health risk management and control capacity was continuously enhanced, the swine fever epidemic in Africa was effectively controlled, and the situation of other major animal diseases was stable.



2019 is a crucial year for the comprehensive construction of a well-off society. Animal husbandry and veterinary departments at all levels must fully grasp the overall requirements for the development of animal husbandry in the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, take the initiative to enter the position, accurately benchmark, and plan to promote the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry and ensure the protection of animals. Major issues such as effective product supply, coordinating the prevention and control of African swine fever, promoting the integration of pig production and marketing and other difficult issues, implementing the quality and safety supervision of animal products, revitalizing the dairy industry and other important matters, completing the utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources, and promoting growth and antibacterial Timelines such as withdrawal of pharmaceutical feed additives require clear and urgent matters. The overall idea is: earnestly study and implement Xi Jinping's new era socialism with Chinese characteristics, focus on the implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization and the new tasks and requirements for winning the battle against poverty, and thoroughly implement the decision-making and deployment of the Central Rural Work Conference and the National Directorate of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in order to "Excellent supply, strong safety, ecological protection" as the goal, with the focus on stabilizing pigs, preventing epidemic diseases, reducing veterinary drugs, treating manure, and adjusting structure, deepen structural reforms on the animal husbandry supply side, accelerate the transformation of animal husbandry development methods, and steadily improve The comprehensive production capacity and core competitiveness of animal husbandry; strengthen the risk control of inputs such as feed and veterinary medicine, and make unremitting efforts to monitor the quality and special rectification of slaughtered meat and raw milk quality, consolidate and improve the quality and safety guarantee of livestock products; Swine fever prevention and control is a tough battle, speeding up the establishment of a closed chain of veterinary health risk control from breeding to slaughtering, accelerating the completion of weak biological safety links in the industrial chain, and focusing on improving animal disease prevention and control capabilities; practicing green development concepts and vigorously promoting livestock and poultry breeding Utilize waste resources, strictly regulate the harmless treatment of sick and dead animals, Continued to enhance the capacity for sustainable development of animal husbandry.


1. Fight African swine fever prevention and control


1. Strict epidemic reporting and disposal. Printed and issued emergency implementation plan for African swine fever epidemic situation, strengthened detection and evaluation, and scientifically implemented fighting and blocking measures. Strictly implement disposal measures such as culling, disinfection, and harmless treatment of new epidemics to strictly prevent spread. Further strengthen the investigation of the source of the epidemic situation, and discover and eliminate hidden dangers in a timely manner. Strictly standardize the epidemic reporting system, strengthen the reporting and verification of the epidemic, and report the legal responsibility for those who feed the pig leftovers from the kitchen, do not take the initiative to report the epidemic, do not cooperate with the epidemic, and handle the epidemic by secretly selling sick and dead pigs.


2. Comprehensively strengthen epidemic prevention and control measures. Promote the establishment of a regional prevention and control and operation coordination and supervision mechanism, and actively carry out pilots for regional prevention and control in the central and southern regions. Summarize the previous prevention and control practices, and further optimize and improve the prevention and control measures. Further consolidate the responsibilities of all parties, and implement key prevention and control measures such as transportation supervision and prohibition of the use of food and kitchen residues to feed pigs. Carry out African swine fever testing in the slaughter chain and raw feed products of pig blood meal to reduce the risk of epidemic transmission. Carry out a comprehensive inspection of the feeding blood product manufacturing enterprises, implement control measures, and clean up and ban unqualified manufacturing enterprises. Coordinate relevant departments to establish a full chain management system for the collection, storage, transportation and disposal of food and kitchen residues.


3. Focus on improving prevention and control capabilities. Guiding pig farmers, especially large-scale pig farms and breeding pig farms, to strictly implement prevention and control measures such as cleaning and disinfection, improve epidemic prevention conditions, and actively strengthen epidemic prevention management. Support pig farms to develop standardized scale farming and improve the level of biological safety management. Organize superior scientific research forces to accelerate the development of vaccines and diagnostic reagents. Strengthen the capacity building of grassroots animal husbandry and veterinary systems to meet the needs of epidemic prevention and control.


Second, comprehensively strengthen the prevention and control of other animal diseases


4. Coordinate the prevention and control of major animal diseases. We will issue and implement the National Compulsory Immunization Plan for Animal Diseases, give priority to the prevention and control of diseases, and do a good job in monitoring and evaluation of immunization effects. Formulate and implement national animal disease surveillance and epidemiological investigation plans, and strengthen the analysis and application of surveillance results. Efforts will be made to promote the reform of the bidding and procurement system for compulsory immunization vaccines, and gradually realize the independent procurement of farms and direct financial supplements. Promote regionalized management, take the epidemic-free area and the epidemic-free community as the starting point, accelerate the process of regionalization, and gradually improve the regional animal health status. Guidance on the implementation of animal disease decontamination was issued, the assessment criteria for animal disease decontamination in farms were formulated, and the animal disease decontamination in farms continued to be promoted. While doing a good job in the prevention and control of major animal diseases, research and advance the prevention and treatment of common diseases of livestock and poultry. Continue to strengthen the extended performance management of major animal diseases and supervise the implementation of various prevention and control measures.


5. Focus on prevention and control of key zoonotic diseases such as brucellosis. Taking the county as a unit, we will continue to promote the construction of cleansing plants and decontamination areas for the “two diseases” of cloth diseases and cow tuberculosis, and gradually clean up the “two diseases” by districts. Issue and control plans for the control and purification of brucellosis among livestock, continue to implement strategies for the prevention and control of brucellosis, promote regional joint prevention and control, improve the deployment and transportation measures related to the prevention and control of brucellosis, and further reduce the risk of brucellosis transmission. Do a good job in the prevention of animal rabies. Continue to do immunization and deworming of echinococcosis effectively reduce the infection rate of echinococcosis in livestock. Continue to do a good job in the treatment of schistosomiasis in livestock and promote the elimination of schistosomiasis.


3. Strive to ensure the effective supply of livestock products


6. Do everything possible to stabilize pig production. Make overall plans for production development and epidemic prevention and control, strictly implement the regulations on transportation and transportation, actively guide the “point-to-point” transportation and production-marketing connection of slaughtered pigs, ensure the orderly transportation of breeding pigs and piglets, and effectively solve the problems of hog pressing and supplementing piglets. Strengthen the research and judgment of the production and marketing situation of live pigs, strengthen the information warning and guidance services, and boost the breeding confidence. Implement the plan for the regulation and control of live pigs, and promote the relevant departments to carry out the regulation and control policies of the central frozen pork collection and delivery in due course. Implement the "Cart Basket" mayor responsibility system, guide the southern regions and large and medium-sized cities to stabilize farming scales, and ensure a certain self-sufficiency rate. Promote increased credit support for pig breeding.


7. Solidly promote the revitalization of the dairy industry. In-depth implementation of the "Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Revitalization of the Milk Industry and Safeguarding the Quality and Safety of Milk" and the "Several Opinions on Further Promoting the Revitalization of the Milk Industry" of the nine ministries and commissions. Strengthen the construction of high-quality milk source bases, and develop dairy cow family farms and dairy farmers cooperative organizations. Promote the "dairy farmers + cooperatives + companies" development model, support and guide dairy farmers to develop dairy products processing. Exploring the pilot project of target price insurance for raw milk, and supporting eligible small and medium-sized pastures into the national agricultural credit guarantee system. Implement the development of revitalizing the alfalfa in the dairy industry, improve the service capacity of the dairy production performance measurement center, and start the training program for ranchers and business backbones. Rectify the order of purchasing fresh milk, establish a mechanism for negotiating the price of fresh milk, and promote the investigation and punishment of non-performance of purchase and sales contracts and the forced sale of inputs in accordance with the law. Held the Top 20 Dairy Industry Summit in China, promoted the national milk drinking plan for students, implemented the Xiaokang Milk Initiative, and promoted the third batch of national dairy cattle leisure and tourism farms.


8. Promote the upgrading of livestock and poultry breeding. Continue to carry out the demonstration demonstration of standardization of livestock and poultry farming, further improve the work plan for the establishment, highlight the leaning to poverty-stricken areas, highlight the environmental control and biosecurity levels of the farms, continue to create 100 national demonstration farms for standardization of livestock and poultry farming, and give full play to the leadership of the demonstration farms effect. Strengthen the promotion and application of improved breeds of livestock and poultry, and support local promotion of pig breeding auctions and other excellent breeding livestock promotion activities. Organize and appraise the professional skills of livestock breeders, improve the quality of employees, and compile a mechanization development plan for the livestock breeding industry. Explore a new path for standardized filing management of large-scale farms. Promote the improvement of farmland policies for animal husbandry development facilities.


Fourth, actively adjust and optimize the industrial structure


9. Actively promote the grain to feed. Focusing on the northeast region and the northern farming-pastoral ecotone, we will continue to expand the coverage and implementation scale of the grain-feeding policy, and complete the grain-feeding area of ​​more than 12 million mu. Carry out adaptive selection and promotion of grain-to-feed varieties, expand the planting area of ​​high-quality forage grasses such as whole-plant silage corn, alfalfa, oats, ryegrass, sweet sorghum, etc. according to local conditions, and promote the transformation of the planting structure to the direction of overall grain-feeding. Vigorously cultivate and develop socialized professional collection and storage service organizations, explore the establishment of high-quality forage mechanized harvesting, large-scale processing and commercial sales models, and accelerate the development of forage industrialization. Summarize and refine the effectiveness of grain reform and feed promotion and organizational management experience, carry out all-round publicity reports, and create an atmosphere of public opinion that comprehensively promotes grain reform and feeding.


  10. Vigorously develop modern grassland animal husbandry. Promote the adjustment of agriculture and animal husbandry structure in the agro-pastoral ecotone, and support the development of a grassland animal husbandry pilot in the Bashang area of ​​Zhangjiakou. Carry out typical surveys of grassland animal husbandry and statistically monitor the distribution of grassland animal husbandry production and operation. Strengthen the protection and utilization of forage germplasm resources, regional trials of grass varieties, seed sampling and other work, promote the establishment of forage breeding system, and accelerate the selection and promotion of high-quality domestic grass species. Organize and implement subsidy projects for livestock breeding in pastoral areas, focusing on meat, beef and sheep, strictly controlling the quality of breeding bulls and breeding rams, strengthening policy publicity and guidance, and accelerating the pace of breed improvement. Carry out research on the transformation and upgrading of grassland animal husbandry, deeply analyze the difficult issues, and find the focus of work. Promote the inclusion of meat, beef, and sheep into the support range of insurance policies for advantageous agricultural products.



11. Actively develop animal husbandry with characteristics. Compilation and release of "National Horse Industry Development Plan". Continue to implement the bee industry quality improvement action project, summarize the local effectiveness practices and experiences, promote the restoration of the bee transportation green channel policy, and start the preparation of the national bee industry development plan. Carry out research on the development of local characteristic industries such as milk goats, donkeys, rabbits and waterfowl.


12. Establish a regional connection mechanism for hog production and marketing. Comprehensively consider the factors such as the proximity of administrative geographical areas, the coordination of animal disease prevention and control, and the complementary production and marketing of live pigs, and implement the regional prevention and control strategy of major animal diseases such as African swine fever in the country, and promote the prevention and control of animal diseases and the coordination of live pigs and pigs in the region. Supervision and adjustment of product transportation, unified adjustment and optimization of relevant industrial layout. Strengthen interregional communication and coordination, joint prevention and joint control, effectively reduce the risk of epidemic spread, and ensure a stable supply of live pigs and products. Adjust and optimize the layout of the hog industry, and support the development of large-scale hog breeding enterprise groups within the province or within the entire industrial chain of large regions.


13. Optimize the layout of livestock and poultry slaughter capacity. Build a scientific, efficient and systematic slaughter link quality and safety guarantee system, promote the introduction of guidelines for the normative and orderly development of the slaughter industry, and ensure the safety of the people's meat consumption. In conjunction with the eco-environmental department, it carried out activities to review and clean up pig slaughtering qualifications, resolutely shut down slaughterhouses that did not meet the established conditions, and maintain the normal development order of the slaughtering industry. Implementation of the transformation and upgrading actions of the slaughter industry, with the creation of pig slaughter standardization as the starting point, to improve the scale, mechanization and standardized production level of the slaughter industry.


V. Vigorously promote the resource utilization of livestock and poultry breeding waste


14. Implement responsibility for resource utilization. Organize the assessment of the utilization of livestock and poultry breeding waste resources in 2018, strengthen the application of assessment results, and consolidate local government's territorial management responsibilities. Implement the main responsibility of large-scale farms and implement "one policy one by one" to ensure that the supporting rate of manure treatment facilities of large-scale farms reaches 100% by the end of the year. Guide the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the Bohai Rim Region, and the four provinces (regions) in Northeast China to increase the utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources. Implement the agreements of the provinces (cities) of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong and Fujian to promote the utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources to ensure that the target tasks are completed one year in advance.


15. Accelerate the use of resources to promote the whole county. Strengthen the implementation of the project to achieve full coverage of large animal husbandry counties. Strengthen project supervision and management, formulate project management methods, and guide large animal husbandry counties to establish departmental collaborative work mechanism and livestock and poultry manure resource utilization mechanism. Promote the beneficiary payment mechanism, cultivate social service organizations, and explore the market model of sewage treatment. Implement the subsidy policy for the open utilization of livestock and poultry breeding waste resources, and strengthen the promotion and application of storage, transportation, treatment and utilization of machinery and equipment for livestock and poultry breeding waste through pilot methods such as subsidies for new agricultural machinery products.


16. Improve the resource utilization path. Guidance on the integration of breeding and breeding was issued, focusing on the southern water network area, and promoting the full use of pig manure and dairy manure in the local area at low cost, and promoting the development of circular agriculture. Focus on large-scale farms and explore the establishment of nutrient management systems. Continue to carry out heavy metal monitoring of livestock and poultry manure, and coordinate to promote the reduction of breeding sources. Improve the standard system for the utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources, and promote the use of liquid manure in the fields of source reduction, process control, and terminal utilization. Implement the three-year action plan to win the Blue Sky Defence Warfare, issue technical guidance on odor reduction, and guide farmers to reduce ammonia emissions.


17. Strictly regulate the harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry. Summarize and popularize the construction and operation of professional harmless treatment plants, and improve the standardization of the treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry. Guiding the rational planning and construction of harmless treatment facilities in various places, supporting the construction of concentrated professional treatment plants in major animal husbandry counties, building a collection and treatment system across regions, and increasing the proportion of centralized treatment. Promote the improvement of the harmless treatment subsidy policy in the breeding process to ensure the effective operation of the collection and treatment system. Strengthen the supervision of harmless treatment, implement the responsibility of farmer households and departmental supervision, standardize the supervision measures and procedures of harmless treatment, and improve the ability of information supervision.


VI. Focus on improving the quality and safety level


18. Further strengthen the risk control of feed veterinary drugs. Strictly implement the "double random and one open" supervision mechanism, carry out feed product supervision and random inspection and feed enterprise on-site supervision and inspection, and severely crack down on violations of laws and regulations. Establish and improve the feed industry standard system with quality and safety as the core. Implement special monitoring and risk warning of feed quality and hygiene, prohibited substances and pharmaceutical feed additives. Strengthen the entire chain of veterinary drug quality and safety supervision, implement supervision and random inspection and risk monitoring plan, severely punish severe violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the newly revised heavy penalty announcement, and implement risk monitoring for relevant veterinary devices. In-depth implementation of animal-derived bacterial resistance monitoring plan, animal and animal product veterinary drug residue monitoring plan. Formulate and implement a withdrawal plan for pharmaceutical feed additives. Carry out special rectification of veterinary antibacterial drugs, implement the "scientific use of veterinary antibacterial drugs" and take over 10 million public welfare actions, and promote the action of reducing the use of veterinary antibacterial drugs. Fully promote the implementation of veterinary drug traceability, further standardize the uploading of veterinary drug manufacturing enterprise traceability data, strive to implement all traceability of veterinary drug management enterprises, and carry out traceability pilots in breeding enterprises.


19. Guarantee the quality and safety level of meat and raw milk. Carry out pig slaughtering standardization activities, implement "centralized slaughtering, brand management, cold chain circulation, and cold listing" to severely crack down on illegal and illegal activities in slaughtering. Carry out special "Clenbuterol" rectification actions around the whole process of meat, beef, sheep and pig breeding, acquisition, trafficking and slaughter. Strengthen the supervision of dairy farming, raw milk purchase and transportation and other key links, implement the raw milk quality and safety monitoring plan, and improve the supervision and monitoring information system. Explore the establishment of prefecture-level and municipal third-party quality testing centers for the acquisition of fresh milk, and promote dairy farming counties, enterprises, and qualified dairy farmers to build their own dairy inspection and testing systems.


20. Effectively strengthen veterinary health supervision. Promote the construction of quarantine and traceability systems for live pigs and other livestock and poultry products, and standardize the management and use of animal health badges and signs. Strengthen the supervision and management of live pig transportation, promote the establishment of live pig transportation vehicles, and other management systems, strengthen the capacity building of animal health highway checkpoints, and comprehensively improve the biological safety of live livestock and poultry transportation. Carry out veterinary system effectiveness evaluation and improve veterinary health supervision capacity. Continue to promote the standardized development of veterinary social services, strengthen the management of practicing veterinarians and rural veterinarians, and gradually implement the "one-point registration, multi-point practice" management model for veterinary veterinarians, and expand the scope of computer examinations for practicing veterinarians. Strengthen laboratory capacity building and organize laboratory comparison and assessment. Strengthen laboratory biosafety supervision, organize and carry out high-level animal pathogen microbiology laboratory supervision and inspection. Promote the reform of the laboratory biosafety approval system and standardize the administrative approval of laboratory management.


 Seven, do a good job in the basic work of industry management



21. Continue to promote animal husbandry and veterinary monitoring and early warning. According to the requirements of budget reform, adjust and improve the livestock production monitoring program and working system, fully mobilize social forces to participate, establish a government-led, stable and reliable cooperative relationship, and ensure that the work is not reduced, the team is not scattered, the data is continuous, and the quality of the data is not reduced . Through government purchases of services, establishment of industrial big data alliances, etc., we will vigorously support the construction of big data in leading animal husbandry enterprises, promote the popularization of intelligent breeding equipment and information equipment, and realize platform co-construction and data sharing. Promote the "Digital Dairy Information Service Cloud Platform", expand the pilot range of automatic data collection on farms, and achieve accurate and dynamic monitoring. Promote full-caliber monthly monitoring of feed enterprises. Strengthen the information service, publish the pig inventory index, market price, major epidemic situation and other information in a timely manner, and carry out information entry activities through mobile clients such as "Palm Mobile" to scientifically guide production adjustment.


22. Build and use the information platform of the direct connection and direct report of the farm. Study and formulate an integrated system of supervision and monitoring, standardize the rights and obligations of the government and production and operation units in data generation, use, sharing, and disclosure to achieve joint construction and sharing. Establish a regular data update mechanism, linked to administrative licensing, project management, finance and insurance, and further strengthen the platform construction and operation system. Carry out in-depth co-construction activities of provinces and departments, increase the promotion and application, and promote the deep integration of the daily production and operation behaviors of the majority of farmers and the platform business. Accelerate the implementation of pilot monitoring of livestock and poultry manure utilization, and improve the functions of video collection and transportation vehicle trajectory monitoring on the direct connection and direct reporting platform.


23. Promote the integration of animal husbandry and veterinary information resources. Standardize the monitoring and reporting system of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, and realize the “one form” of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine supervision and monitoring; accelerate the promotion of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine business coordination, and realize the “one set of numbers” of supervision and monitoring; Unified management, the implementation of "one code" for each business unit nationwide network. Advance the construction of a comprehensive information platform for animal husbandry. Focus on promoting the informationization of pig industry chain supervision, open up information on farm registration, animal epidemic prevention condition review, quarantine certification, transportation vehicle registration, and online certification of feed and other administrative licenses, and carry out more precise "point-to-point" and regional Management, dynamic monitoring, follow-up evaluation, analysis and judgment on the changes of African swine fever epidemic situation and the production and marketing situation of live pigs provide strong support for the overall planning of epidemic prevention and control and production guarantee.


24. Strengthen the legal construction of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine. Accelerate the process of revising laws and regulations and supporting regulations in the field of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, and solidly promote administration according to law. Accelerate the revision of the "Animal Epidemic Prevention Law" and "Pig Slaughter Management Regulations", and continue to promote the revision of the "Milk Quality Safety Supervision and Management Regulations" and "Veterinary Drug Administration Regulations". Organize the data collection and reporting of animal husbandry and veterinary industry, animal pathogen microbiology laboratory biosecurity, livestock and poultry breeding management, milk quality supervision, feed review, veterinary drug registration and production quality management, animal epidemic prevention condition review, animal quarantine management, animal and poultry slaughter Work on the preparation and revision of departmental regulations and normative documents on quality and safety supervision, resource utilization of livestock and poultry breeding waste, etc.


25. Strengthen international exchanges and cooperation. Run an international seminar on African swine fever prevention and control. Cooperate with the related service work of the "Village Revitalization" international seminar and other major activities. Fulfill international obligations and promptly notify domestic animal epidemics. Deepen cooperation with international organizations, actively participate in the World Organisation of Animal Health Organization Global Congress, global cross-border animal disease prevention and control, China-Southeast Asia FMD prevention and control action plan, UN-FAO Lan-Mekong region cross-border animal disease prevention and control cooperation and other international institutions Activities to promote the implementation of global and regional related projects. Organize the implementation of relevant international conventions. Give full play to the role of China's international reference laboratories and collaboration centers, participate deeply in the preparation and revision of international animal health regulations and standards, and promote the transformation of international regulations and standards. Strengthen multilateral and bilateral exchanges and cooperation. Strengthen forward-looking and targeted research, participate in consultation and negotiation of veterinary foreign affairs, and promote the signing and implementation of intergovernmental veterinary bilateral and multilateral agreements and agreements. Organize and carry out risk assessment of animal health information outside the country (international), and formulate and issue the ban to lift the ban in conjunction with relevant departments. Strengthen the exchange of prevention and control technology and management experience of animal diseases such as African swine fever. Explore and develop a diversified overseas market model, and promote animal husbandry and veterinary related technologies, products and services to go out.


26. In-depth promotion of poverty alleviation in the livestock industry. In accordance with the overall arrangement of the three-year action of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to combat poverty, improve the poverty alleviation work mechanism, formulate an annual poverty alleviation work plan, refine key measures, and clarify mission goals. Strengthen cooperation with other industry units, promote production support and epidemic prevention services, expand industrial poverty alleviation channels, and improve quality and level. Further improve the counterpart assistance work in the "three regions and three states" deep poverty areas, and implement relevant support measures. Strengthen the pilot work of financial support for poverty alleviation in the development of poverty-stricken areas around Beijing and Tianjin, encourage and guide the poverty-stricken counties with outstanding resource advantages to participate in the "insurance + financing" cooperative poverty alleviation mechanism, and build a number of cattle and sheep products Breeding base. Focusing on the Wuling Mountains, the “three regions and three states” deep poverty-stricken areas, and the southern foothills of the Greater Xing'an Mountains, taking into account other poverty-stricken areas, we will further expand the coverage of financial support for the development of livestock and poverty alleviation. Actively explore and practice new models and mechanisms for industrial poverty alleviation, sort out and summarize the achievements of poverty alleviation in a timely manner, and effectively strengthen publicity and guidance.


27. Strengthen the construction of political style and style. Continue to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's socialist thinking with Chinese characteristics in the new era, firmly establish the "four consciousnesses" and strengthen the "four self-confidences". Always insist on putting political construction in the first place, earnestly achieve "two maintenance", and firmly implement the important instructions of the central leadership comrades such as General Secretary Jinping and other central leaders on animal husbandry and veterinary work. Do not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, firmly implement the new development concept, actively respond to the new situation and new challenges, dare to take responsibility, be brave to face the difficulties, carry out the work creatively, and resolutely prevent problems such as unwillingness, unwillingness, daring, and false behavior. We must refrain from formalism and bureaucracy, resolutely rectify the door, enter the face so that we can not see things, adjust the door high and act less, procrastination, and other lazy political mediocrities. The order is prohibited, and the "eight bans" for the prevention and control of African swine fever are strictly enforced to ensure a good battle. Strengthen accountability, resolutely correct wrong practices such as not lifting the ban after the blockade of the epidemic area expires, implementing restrictive measures for transportation and increasing the number of layers, and refusing to issue quarantine certificates without justifiable reasons. Strictly investigate and punish the practice of not emphasizing actual results and packaging, to ensure that the target task of resource utilization of manure is completed as scheduled. Strictly implement the spirit of the Eight Regulations of the Central Government, strengthen the construction of a clean government, correct the ideological style and work discipline, and establish a good political style for the people, pragmatic and clean.