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Congratulations to the successful conclusion of the second meeting of the seventh member congress of the Beijing Dairy Association and the third meeting of the council

Released Time:2018-03-29 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small

  On March 28, 2018, the second meeting of the seventh member congress of the Beijing Dairy Association and the third meeting of the council were held in Beijing. The meeting heard and considered the "Beijing Dairy Association 2017 Work Report", "Beijing Dairy Association 2017 Financial Report" and "Beijing Dairy Association 2017 Supervisory Committee Report". The meeting was chaired by Liao Chenxing, Secretary General of Beijing Dairy Association. Nearly 100 people including representatives of member units of Beijing Dairy Association participated in the conference.



meeting venue



Chang Yi, President of Beijing Dairy Association and Deputy General Manager of Shounong Food Group



Chang Yi, President of Beijing Dairy Association and Deputy General Manager of Shounong Food Group, made a 2017 annual work report on behalf of Beijing Dairy Association. He introduced the basic situation of Beijing's dairy industry in 2017 in terms of dairy farming and dairy processing. He pointed out that Beijing's dairy industry has achieved a transformation and upgrade from quantity to quality, from small scattered to large-scale, intensive, and standardized, and quality and efficiency have been obtained. Great improvement; but the new contradiction between unbalanced and uncoordinated raw milk production and fresh milk processing is highlighted, and the contradiction between breeding and ecological environmental protection has increased. Beijing dairy industry will take the function of serving the capital as the starting point, with the purpose of co-construction and sharing, with the goal of green ecological conservation, in the process of unraveling to improve the operation quality of Beijing dairy industry and Jinji dairy industry, and provide for building a world-class harmonious and livable capital Strong support and solid guarantee.


In 2017, the Beijing Dairy Association held the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Dairy Cooperative Development Beijing Forum" with the goal of promoting the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei dairy industry, seeking a broader development space for the Beijing dairy industry; The industry census provides a scientific basis for the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei dairy industry and the government ’s decision-making; with ecological conservation as the goal, a dairy farm environmental protection symposium was held to eliminate the problems caused by deviations in environmental protection policy understanding for the pasture construction and development. The municipal government laid the foundation for the development plan; in order to strengthen the public ’s awareness of scientific milk drinking and enhance the recognition of domestic dairy products, a series of “milk and health” public welfare activities were held to guide the public ’s scientific drinking of milk; The important role under the new normal of the industry; combining with the actual situation of the Beijing Dairy Association, carrying out many public welfare publicity activities, there are plans to purposefully strengthen industry cooperation and exchanges; try to introduce a price insurance mechanism to avoid the risks of price fluctuations to breeding enterprises; strengthen the association organization , Improve internal mechanisms and improve service levels.


In 2018, the Beijing Dairy Association will further strengthen its own construction in accordance with the new requirements of the new era, strengthen the "four consciousnesses", and enhance service capabilities, innovation capabilities, and collaboration capabilities. In the next step, we will adjust the dairy industry development ideas and optimize the dairy industry structure in accordance with the specific requirements for unblocking Beijing ’s non-capital functions; integrate and utilize Beijing ’s dairy industry resource advantages, and give full play to the active role of universities, research institutes and expert teams ; Implement the construction of the three platforms of "training, communication, display"; strengthen communication and cooperation with various industry associations, establish a long-term cooperation and communication mechanism; implement the compilation of "Beijing Dairy History"; strengthen brand building, enhance the brand effect; gradually Establish a price coordination mechanism for raw milk in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.


  Jiang Linshu, Vice President of Beijing Dairy Association and Dean of School of Continuing Education of Beijing Agricultural College, made the "2017 Annual Financial Report of Beijing Dairy Association"




Chen Hualin, Supervisor of Beijing Dairy Association and Head of the First Agricultural, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station, made a report of the 2017 Supervisory Committee of Beijing Dairy Association



Zhang Dinghong, vice chairman of Beijing Dairy Association and chairman of Zhongbo Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd. reviewed and passed the resolution of the conference



  Secretary General of Beijing Dairy Association Liao Chenxing presided over the meeting




As a member of the Beijing Dairy Industry Association, Beijing Yahe Nutrition has been committed to the healthy development of the industry for many years and is committed to creating a world-class feed brand enterprise. Through years of hard work, it has become a well-known enterprise in China's feed industry. Among them, the rumen-passing choline technology fills the domestic gap, the rumen-passing glucose and rumen-passing vitamin technology fills the world gap, and the rumen-passing glucose has obtained a national patent. In addition, the cow's energy negative balance sugar metabolism imbalance theory has perfected the theoretical system of the cow's energy demand and made a major contribution to the healthy development of the dairy industry. In 2015, the company passed the EU FAMIQS quality system certification, which opened the prelude of China's feed additives to the world and subverted the history of export of feed additives from Europe to China. At present, the company's products are exported to the United States, Belgium, Denmark, Vietnam and other European and American countries. .