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Heavy! Announcement 168 and 220 of the Ministry of Agriculture (medicine feed additives) is about to be abolished!

Releaseder:China Feed Industry Information Network Released Time:2017-12-02 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small

  The Ministry of Agriculture has enlarged the recruitment! Another blockbuster news has attracted industry attention, not only feed enterprises, animal protection enterprises, but also farmers must know!



On October 30, the Ministry of Agriculture's Veterinary Bureau issued a notice regarding the solicitation of the "Announcement on the Release of the" Category and Use Specifications of Pharmaceutical Feed Additives (Draft for Comment) ", which means that the 16th and 16th years of the Ministry of Agriculture have been implemented. The announcement is about to be abolished.


Ruonan compared the new and old drug feed additives catalogues and specifications, and made the following changes:


1. The former Appendix No. 168 contains 33 kinds of pharmaceutical additives, and now (Draft for Comment) Appendix 1 contains 26 kinds, with some deletions and additions;


Newly added varieties: Methylene salicylic acid bacitracin premix, quinocetone premix, Boluo Huisan, Magnolia salicylate extract powder, Methylene salicylic acid bacitracin premix, quinenone premix.


Deleted species: Coccidiosis removes the premix of nicarbazin, the premix of carbachazine and ethoxybenzyl benzyl, the premix of lasanoxir sodium, the premix of estrogen hydrobromide, the seduramycin Sodium premix, compound sodium nitrophenol premix, aminophenylarsinic acid premix, roxarsone premix, olaquindox premix, colistin sulfate premix, oregano oil premix Agent, bacitracin zinc colistin sulfate premix.


2. Methylene salicylic acid bacitracin: suitable for pigs, broilers, and ducks; the drug withdrawal period is 0 days without any description of [drug interactions] and [adverse reactions].


3. Nosiheptide is only used for pigs under 70kg.


4. Quinocetone premix: suitable for pigs and poultry, banned for pigs weighing more than 35 kg.


5. Pre-mixed guitar guitar: no combination with enramycin.


6. Enramycin premix: It is forbidden to use it in combination with tetracyclines, guitarin, bacitracin, and virginiamycin.


7. Flavomycin premix: not suitable for adult livestock and poultry.


8. Special regulations:


1) It is forbidden to violate the "addition amount" regulations and excessive use of pharmaceutical feed additives; it is forbidden to violate "applicable animals" regulations and the use of pharmaceutical feed additives in other animal feed products; it is prohibited to violate "precautions" regulations and production does not meet the requirements of this announcement Feed products.


2) No more than 3 kinds of medicinal feed additives should be added to the same product.


9. (Consultation Draft) There is no [Content Specification] in the drug list.


The original text is as follows:


Announcement on Issuing the "Catalogue of Drug Feed Additives and Specifications"


(Draft for comment)


In order to strengthen the management of pharmaceutical feed additives and further regulate the use of pharmaceutical feed additives, in accordance with the "Veterinary Drug Administration Regulations", our organization has revised the "Category and Use Specifications of Pharmaceutical Feed Additives" (Appendix 1, Appendix 2), and now announces related matters as follows:


1. The varieties listed in this announcement have obtained the product approval number of "Veterinary Drug Addition" or the "Imported Veterinary Drug Registration Certificate" according to the regulations, and can be used as a medicinal feed additive, and shall be implemented in accordance with the usage regulations specified in Appendix 2.


Announcement of the change or abolition of the quality standards of the varieties included in the announcement shall be implemented in accordance with the quality standards for veterinary drugs of the same variety issued by our department or related abolition and prohibition regulations.


2. Except for the varieties listed in this announcement and other pharmaceutical feed additives approved by the Ministry, feed production enterprises shall not add other veterinary drugs to the feed.


3. Feed production enterprises shall use pharmaceutical feed additives in accordance with the provisions of this announcement, prohibit violation of "additional amount" regulations and excessive use of pharmaceutical feed additives; prohibit violation of "applicable animals" regulations and use of pharmaceutical feed additives in other animal feed products; In violation of the "Precautions", the production of feed products that do not meet the requirements of this announcement.


4. If the feed production enterprise produces feed containing medicinal feed additives, no more than three kinds of medicinal feed additives shall be added to the same product, and the common name, content and application of all medicinal feed additive ingredients contained in the feed product label must be indicated Animals, withdrawal period and precautions for use.


Fifth, this announcement will be implemented from the date of publication. Former Agriculture and Animal Husbandry [2001] No. 20, Ministry of Agriculture Announcement No. 168 and Ministry of Agriculture Announcement No. 220 were repealed at the same time.