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2017 Beijing Forum for the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei dairy industry successfully concluded

Released Time:2017-06-06 Font Size:Large|Medium |Small
 Chang Yi, president of the Beijing Dairy Association, proposed that the five major dimensions should build the connotation of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei dairy industry collaborative development, that is, resource collaboration, ecological collaboration, technological collaboration, service collaboration, and organizational collaboration. Resource coordination should guide the new layout of the dairy industry according to the resources of the three places of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei; ecological coordination must achieve policy support and promotion, agricultural and animal husbandry linkage, technological innovation drive, new business model demonstration drive, and brand base promotion; technology coordination should give play to Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei The dairy industry's entire industry chain is rich in technology and the overall level of science and technology is leading the country. It promotes the deep integration of industry, academia and research; service coordination should support the development of moderate-scale family farms and enhance core competitiveness. Establish and improve a new type of socialized service system to promote the transformation of the industry from disorder to order; organization and coordination should build a platform for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei dairy cooperative development organization, publicize and interpret dairy policies, do a good job in the connection between the government and enterprises, and promote the industry Coordinate and cooperate to guide consumption and boost consumer confidence through professional publicity.


On June 2, 2017, the Beijing Forum for the Coordinated Development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Dairy Industry was held at the InterContinental Beijing Beichen. The forum was initiated by the Beijing Dairy Association, co-sponsored by the Beijing Dairy Association, the Tianjin Dairy Association, and the Hebei Dairy Association. At the opening ceremony, Liu Yaqing, Secretary General of China Dairy Association, Liao Chenxing, Secretary General of Beijing Dairy Association, Meng Qingjiang, Secretary General of Tianjin Dairy Association, and Yuan Yunsheng, Secretary General of Hebei Dairy Association delivered speeches. Deng Xingzhao, deputy director of the Dairy Division of the Animal Husbandry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, and Kong Yuan, director of the Water Environment Management Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection made important speeches; Chang Yi, chairman of the Beijing Dairy Association, gave a keynote speech.


The forum was held in the context of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei collaborative development strategy, aiming to connect the development strategies of the three dairy industries, complement each other's strengths, and achieve common development. This is the first time that the three dairy industries have held a high-level, large-scale, multi-professional forum on collaborative development. The dairy industry is a people's livelihood project, a sunrise industry, an indispensable industry for a healthy China and a strong nation, and an essential prerequisite and an important symbol for building a healthy China. Increasing farmers' income is also of great significance. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei dairy industry has its own characteristics, obvious advantages and outstanding status. It has played an irreplaceable role in promoting the development of China's dairy industry. Therefore, the coordinated development of the three dairy industries has become inevitable.


  Liu Yaqing, Secretary General of the China Dairy Association, delivered a speech: The development of the dairy industry is closely related to the protection of people's livelihood and the strengthening of the people's physique. It is a symbolic industry for agricultural modernization and a representative industry for food safety. At present, the development of the dairy industry, especially the national milk industry revitalization, has mentioned the unprecedented strategic position of the country. China's dairy industry has ushered in an unprecedented period of opportunity. Keeping up with the times, developing the dairy industry, enhancing the dairy industry, and revitalizing the dairy industry are the primary tasks and historical missions of our dairy associations at all levels.



This forum fully embodies the purpose of the three places association to serve members, service industry, and society. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is an advantageous region for the development of China's dairy industry, and it has a good development foundation and prospects. I hope you will use this forum as an opportunity to conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges, strengthen communication and collaboration, and promote collaborative development. We must firmly establish and implement the five development concepts, vigorously promote the structural reform of the dairy supply side, and actively explore the development model of the dairy industry with the goal of "innovative supply, effective supply, and precise supply". Accelerate the development of the integration of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei dairy industry at a new starting point, and beneficially build the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region into a model and demonstration area for the development of China's dairy industry, for the transformation and upgrading of the dairy industry in other parts of the country Demonstration


  Meng Qingjiang, secretary general of the Tianjin Dairy Association, said: We will seize the great opportunity of the integrated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, make up for the shortcomings, find the gaps, and realize the complementary advantages of the three places in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. At present, the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei dairy industry is both in an important opportunity period and a critical period. In the face of the sluggish terminal consumption in the dairy industry, intensified international and domestic competition, and high breeding costs, many bottlenecks have caused the performance of our dairy association. Ability and level put forward higher requirements. We will cherish and make good use of the opportunity for the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei dairy industry, contribute our wisdom and strength to the integrated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei dairy industry, and make a major contribution to the important national strategy for the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei dairy industry. Contribution.


Deng Xingzhao, deputy director of the Dairy Division of the Animal Husbandry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, pointed out that the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei dairy industry should take advantage of their respective advantages in dairy technology, production and processing bases, and the consumer market, and use Beijing and Tianjin ’s capital, technology and market resources to promote Beijing The development of Tianjin ’s dairy industry is shifting to Hebei, fully exploiting and utilizing the dairy farming and forage resources in Hebei, strengthening the coordination and cooperation among industry management departments, dairy farming and dairy processing enterprises, and industry associations, and doing a good job in docking, innovative models, and innovative mechanisms. A new development pattern of dairy cows with the same goal, strong measures, complementary advantages and mutual benefit will be formed.


 Yuan Yunsheng, secretary general of the Hebei Dairy Association, pointed out: Today's forum has a keyword "synergy". The first is regional coordination. Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei are all establishing milk source bases and dairy processing. Even the country ’s dairy materials, including livestock machinery and pasture, are mostly imported through Tianjin Port and flow to Beijing and Hebei. The second is policy coordination. Before that, there was the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy promoted by the state, followed by the current millennium plan of the Xiong'an New District. The development of our dairy industry is a boost. At the same time, there is now a good opportunity for the development of the “Belt and Road” initiative. The third is information coordination. This is the information age. For everyone to develop in a coordinated manner, they must understand and promote each other and learn from each other.



Li Shengli, Chief Scientist of National Dairy Industry Technology System Professor, China Agricultural University, Deputy Director of Dairy Industry Committee of China Dairy Industry Association, Gu Jiasheng, Expert of Dairy Innovation Team of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Vice President of Beijing Shounong Livestock Development Co., Ltd Zhu made reports on technological innovation, dairy product development direction and product positioning, and socialized service system in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.


Li Shengli: Technological innovation in the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei



Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei dairy industry development advantages: leading companies gather, with 1.248 million cows, including 1 million heads in Hebei, 150,000 heads in Tianjin and 98,000 heads in Beijing The advantages of Sanyuan and Junlebao's local brands are prominent. There are 110 million people in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and the total economy is 7.45 trillion. The development of technological innovation in the three dairy industries is mainly reflected in breeding, ecological farming, intelligent pastures, new technologies, new achievements, new product innovations, etc.



Gu Jiasheng: Development Direction of Dairy Industry in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region



Comply with the current domestic market demand. Urban milk sources should be dominated by high-quality liquid milk products. In addition to satisfying local high-quality liquid milk, agricultural-herd-type milk sources should be based on high-quality concentrated and dried dairy products. Pastoral area milk sources, in addition to local liquid milk and high-quality concentrated dry dairy products, should gradually shift to enzyme-based mature high-end cheese.


  Liao Chenxing, secretary general of Beijing Dairy Association, said: The coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is a major decision that concerns the long-term development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the well-being of people, and has practical and far-reaching historical significance. Promoting coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is not an ushering in, but strategic planning, policy mechanisms, product systems, technological innovation, ecological and environmental protection, and other aspects of simultaneous promotion and industrial transformation and upgrading, is the common responsibility of the three milk associations Assuming responsibility is the transformation from idea to action and the desire to reality. It is a good practice of exploring the new situation of the three places' dairy industry integration, complementing each other's advantages and new development, and creating a community of destiny.